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Belén Castelló (belletoscan)

Zillertal Trail - The scouting trip of the official route

Belén Castelló (belletoscan)

Zillertal Trail - The scouting trip of the official route

Zillertal Trail - The scouting trip of the official route

178 km
9,1 km/h
4.910 m
4.910 m
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Tour overzicht

607 m
Leaving Brunico on the bike lane
2,25 km
Small cyclepath by the Rienz river
7,21 km
Pustertalradweg / Pista ciclable della Val Pusteria
8,43 km
The valleys around the Zillertal Alps see a lot of cyclists
9,63 km
Bike friendly area
Ehrenburg / Casteldarne
11,7 km
Good signage on the valleys
13,5 km
13,8 km
Crossing the train tracks just out of Kiens
15,0 km
Very pleasant bike lane
17,7 km
Getting close to our turn in Niedervintl / Vandoies di Sotto
21,2 km
Little path just off the Raiffeisenkasse Vintl building
Fun single path track by the Pfunderer Back river
22,9 km
Single track turns into gravel path
23,7 km
24,3 km
Fountain at Weitental - Vallarga
St Thomas church at Weitental - Vallarga
25,4 km
Out of Weitental, a double track starts
26,1 km
Just as the track disappears, we found some blackberry bushes!
27,2 km
Entering the region of Pfunders
28,5 km
Getting off the main road at Schaldern
Single track out of Schaldern
28,9 km
29,0 km
Very cool mtb track connecting Schaldern with Weissteiner
29,4 km
29,8 km
Views of St Martin
The track goes through a forest patch
30,4 km
St Martin: Typical South Tyrol church
Watch out for the loose chicken! =)
31,4 km
Past Obergasser
33,8 km
Path detour out of the Eggerseiter Strasse bends
Very enjoyable gravel path
34,4 km
Following the Pfunder Bach river towards Dun
35,1 km
Leaving Pfunderer Bach and entering Weitenbergbach
36,2 km
Showers on and off, since this valley cannot make its mind!
Up up up we go!
37,4 km
Crossing the Weitenbergbach and following up stream
38,0 km
38,2 km
38,2 km
Detour sign off to Engberg, but we keep on going straight
Mountain Bikers Playground
39,1 km
The first of the many cattle gates to cross. Remember to close behind you.
The first river crossing of many to come. But this one has a little bridge.
39,8 km
Reaching Weitenbergalm - Opened between mid June and mid September
39,9 km
39,9 km
Great stop for food and a water refill.
Fun starts now
40,6 km
Following to Funderer Joch
Roughest part of the climb up to Funderer Joch
Bike Pushing starts
Its a rough stretch but ascending goes relatively fast
41,5 km
Zig zag stretch. One at a time.
Good quality single paths, but gotta watch out.
Little lunch break to absorb the views
42,6 km
Chances are you'll cross more mountain bikers than hikers here
42,7 km
43,1 km
Getting closer to the Weitenbergbach river source
Ain't gonna be easy!
River crossing puzzle
43,8 km
What a view!
The top of the pass is getting closer!
Last turns to the top
44,5 km
150 meter ascend in 400 meters distance. Definitely non-ridable.
Gran Pilastro / Hochfeiler Glacier in the background
Made it to the top of the pass: Pfunderer Joch. There's still now up here in August!
High five at 2568 meters above sea level!
The descent into Grossbergalm is a fun and not too technical single track that is always fun and never too difficult.
45,3 km
Did I mention the views are spectacular?
Surrounded by a circus of mountains
46,5 km
Decent terrain during the descent at most points
47,7 km
First serious river crossing (ice water). Be very careful as the current can be strong.
48,2 km
Descending into the valley is wonder
49,7 km
49,8 km
Entering the forest line
50,8 km
Easy decent on a forest road of military origin
52,2 km
52,2 km
Second river crossing
54,0 km
Fussendrass path, along the Pfitscher Bach river
55,1 km
57,0 km
Albergo Pfitscherhof - Amazing spot to stop for a coffee and apfelstrudel
58,3 km
Approaching the town of San Giacomo (there is a supermarket to restock)
61,9 km
The beginning of the hair pin bends on good gravel
64,4 km
Views onto Pfitsch / Val di Vizze
65,4 km
Little lunch break away from the sun. Vehicles can't go past this point.
66,3 km
67,2 km
Very enjoyable and smooth gravel road on the way up to Pfitscher-Joch Pass
67,9 km
68,5 km
69,7 km
70,5 km
Ruins my the foot of Pfitscher-Joch
Almost done with the 650m climb (2246m pass)
Pfitscherjoch Haus / Rifugio Passo di Vizze - a great place to spend the night
71,7 km
Crossing the border into Austria
Overview onto the Zamser Valley
Easy start of the descend until...
The ground gets a little rough.
72,5 km
Gravel path towards Lavitz Alm / Schlegeisspeicher - open during the summer months
73,4 km
Entering the S2 mountain bike trail down the valley
Concentration face is on!
74,1 km
84,2 km
91,4 km
93,6 km
122 km
126 km
128 km
157 km

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178 km



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en hebben een fietstocht gemaakt.

10 augustus 2021


  • 7 januari 2022

    De Zillertal Trail is ontworpen met het oog op het creëren van een route die de Zillertaler Alpen niet zou omringen, maar die je daadwerkelijk door het gedurfde gebergte zou leiden. Dit deel van de centrale oostelijke Alpen ligt tussen de grens tussen Oostenrijk en Italië en de regio's Tirol en Zuid

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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