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Lothar R. outdoor

Deutsche Fehnroute Etappe 3: Von Barßel nach Papenburg

Lothar R. outdoor

Deutsche Fehnroute Etappe 3: Von Barßel nach Papenburg

Deutsche Fehnroute Etappe 3: Von Barßel nach Papenburg

40,6 km
11,0 km/h
90 m
90 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

4,21 km
6,16 km
7,35 km
7,37 km
8,21 km
9,05 km
14,3 km
15,5 km
16,7 km
18,8 km
19,8 km
27,8 km
30,2 km
33,6 km
33,6 km
34,6 km
37,5 km
38,8 km
39,1 km
39,1 km
39,4 km
40,6 km



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heeft een fietstocht gemaakt.

17 augustus 2021


  • 17 augustus 2021

    Through the moor landscape of the Saterland, it goes through the Overledinger Land to Papenburg, the largest fen colony and home of the Meyer shipyard.


    here marshland, geest and moor are the predominant forms of landscape in East Friesland.

    While in the south the Westermoor, the Klostermoor

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 17 augustus 2021

    Hello Lothar! How did you come to the Fehn-Land? It really looks very idyllic. How did you get your knowledge about it? Thank you for taking me'.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 17 augustus 2021

    Hi Flea, once did a tour in Ammerland (also absolutely beautiful, and that's when I became aware of this Fehnlandschaft. How it is, you go deeper and plan, get information, read books ... and then finally do the tour. Could do the tour a second time! Just beautiful.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 17 augustus 2021

    And again a very nice stage because the landscape is beautiful. Also very well commented and illustrated!

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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