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LaufbacherEckWeg - Himmelecksattel - Oytal


LaufbacherEckWeg - Himmelecksattel - Oytal

LaufbacherEckWeg - Himmelecksattel - Oytal

22,3 km
5,1 km/h
610 m
1.660 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

544 m
588 m
610 m
3,56 km
5,38 km
7,44 km
8,35 km
8,40 km
10,1 km
11,3 km
12,6 km
22,3 km



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en hebben een bergwandeling gemaakt.

12 augustus 2021


  • 12 augustus 2021

    A wonderful tour, which - at least as far as the Laufbacher Eck-Weg is concerned - is only recommended in dry weather .. Panoramic views of various forms of mountain folds, crisp ascents and descents, rope passages, gravel paths and, at the end, a lot of downhill .. But it was great 😊👌

    The path through

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 12 augustus 2021

    These ridge trails are beautiful. You should get money for the tours from the Obersdorf Tourist Office for this advertisement 🤩👌🙋‍♂️

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 12 augustus 2021

    Better not - there is enough going on at the moment, there are almost only the really remote or "difficult" routes where you - at least for a short time - don't see any other hikers .. 🙋

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 12 augustus 2021

    I believe you. People are just rediscovering Germany as a holiday destination. A little, of course, by necessity. I still wish you a lot of fun in the bright sunshine🌞. Lg from Thuringia 🙋‍♂️

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 12 augustus 2021

    Wow, high up again. This does not seem to be a tour for "strollers". Figures 42 and 43 in particular speak volumes for this.


    ... and finally another ice picture ... and something big 😋😜


    Nice that you are so rewarded by the sun after the rainy days. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. 😉🙋🏼

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 13 augustus 2021

    Hello Niels, 🍦 it's after every hike - but it's usually gone before the camera is ready to go😂😎

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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