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Montefortino - Alba Adriatica


Montefortino - Alba Adriatica

Montefortino - Alba Adriatica

91,5 km
9,2 km/h
810 m
1.310 m
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91,5 km



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heeft een gravelrit gemaakt.

24 juli 2021


  • 25 juli 2021

    "It's just fascinating how everything human gets lost in this vastness. It's almost like looking out of an airplane. Everything is somehow unreal ..." you say to the Monti Sibillini. And ... how would you describe the Alba Adriatica in comparison?

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 25 juli 2021

    I'm on my way to the Adriatic Sea. Two or three small passes, then flat across the plain. What the farmers are doing here on the still steep slopes sometimes amazes me. The hills now towards the plain are nothing but gigantic petrified marls. The same "dirt" in which I almost got stuck on the Arno. I

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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