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Kinderwagenwandern - Bitterbachschlucht


Kinderwagenwandern - Bitterbachschlucht

Kinderwagenwandern - Bitterbachschlucht

4,68 km
4,3 km/h
50 m
60 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

382 m
414 m
446 m
1,17 km
1,30 km
1,32 km
1,35 km
1,38 km
2,18 km
2,18 km
3,10 km
3,13 km
3,26 km
3,44 km
3,47 km
3,57 km
3,58 km
4,01 km
4,68 km
4,68 km



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en hebben een wandeling gemaakt.

19 juli 2020


  • 19 juli 2020

    Tour is quite feasible with the pushchair except for the section in the gorge (through the gorge it is better to switch to the Kraxe etc.). The gorge is great even without water, it is certainly more beautiful with a little more than just puddles. Asolut recommendable is the "dangling" over Kunigund

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 20 juli 2020

    Prams = off-road vehicles 😎

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 20 juli 2020

    Strollers are today's SUVs 😬

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • Ah, good tip, I always walk in the wrong direction to the Nuschelberg and back over the Steinberg, but I have to go right after the gorge to find the beer garden 🙈🥴

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 20 juli 2020

    Yes, it's worth it. But we also did it wrong, when we were at the beer garden he was still closed. (Then we went there again :) Therefore the round the other way round is probably more skillful depending on the time.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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