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Collectie van Maik

17 Tours

55:04 h

245 km

3.670 m

Op de kaart



  1. Segovia, Welterbestadt - Stadtrundgang [Spanien]

    13,3 km
    4,8 km/h
    250 m
    150 m

    Segovia is een werelderfgoedstad met unieke attracties.


    Het Romeinse aquaduct, gebouwd in de eerste eeuw na Christus, bracht tot 1974 nog vers bronwater uit de bergen naar Segovia - bijna 1900 jaar!


    Als in een sprookje verrijzen de stad, de kathedraal en het Alcázar op een rots voor de besneeuwde bergketen

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  2. Toledo is een echt pareltje. Christenen, moslims en joden. Aanhangers van de drie religies leven al eeuwen samen in Toledo en hebben hun stempel gedrukt op een van de meest interessante en verrassende steden van Spanje.


    Maar Toledo biedt nog meer - een wandelpad op de Rio Tajo biedt heel bijzondere uitzichten

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  3. Meld je aan om dit soort plekken te ontdekken

    Krijg aanbevelingen over de beste singletracks, bergtoppen en vele andere mooie outdoorplekken.

  4. 05:53
    21,3 km
    3,6 km/h
    560 m
    580 m

    "Sóller", located in the mountains of Mallorca, is perhaps the most beautiful city on the island. The city's port, “Port de Sóller”, is the only natural port on the rugged north coast of Mallorca. From the surrounding mountains you have a great view of the picturesque bay and the harbor.


    The historic

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  5. What a wonderful weather for a small round through Palma. The sun is shining, wonderful 18 ° c and almost no tourists on the way. What is Palma beautiful in January: o)

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  6. 01:57
    7,86 km
    4,0 km/h
    40 m
    40 m

    Palma de Mallorca, the "Pearl of the Mediterranean" ...


    Quickly stretch your feet on the first evening and get a first impression. Pretty here, clean and hardly any tourists; o)


    The capital of Mallorca is located on the 20 km long bay of Badia de Palma. Seen from the sea, the city panorama looks like a

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  7. 00:53
    4,28 km
    4,9 km/h
    80 m
    100 m

    Nocturnal visit to the "Palacios Nazaríes". Buy tickets in advance online!

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  8. The Alhambra de Granada is certainly the highlight of every Andalusienreise. 2-day trip by bus to Malaga. From the bus station, exploring the city and getting in touch with the Alhambra for the first time.

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  9. Another beautiful day in Andalusia. Day trip to Córdoba. By train from Malaga in an hour to reach. Córdoba is world famous for the "Santa Iglesia Catedral de Córdoba" or "Mezquita Cathedral" with its famous horseshoe arches. One of the largest religious buildings in the world and UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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  10. Bright blue sky over Andalusia. Today we went by train from Malaga to Seville. Wonderful city with impressive buildings from all time periods. Far too many highlights for a day - here I have to come back someday.


    P.S. The high-speed network of Spaniards is impressive. Since we can cut off a slice of Germany

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  11. On a discovery tour in Andalusia. First day, walk through the capital of the Sun Coast - the old port city of Málaga. Highlights are the "Alcazaba de Málaga", the "Castillo de Gibralfaro" and of course the harbor and the sea.

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  • Tours
  • Afstand
    245 km
  • Tijdsduur
    55:04 h
  • Hoogtemeters
    3.670 m

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