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Die Schweizer Alpenpanoramaroute mit Übernachtung in Jugendherbergen (August 2004)


Die Schweizer Alpenpanoramaroute mit Übernachtung in Jugendherbergen (August 2004)


Die Schweizer Alpenpanoramaroute mit Übernachtung in Jugendherbergen (August 2004)

Collectie van sirniz

4 Tours

36:13 h

514 km

8.680 m

Op de kaart



  1. Vom Bodensee durchs Appenzeller Land an den Walensee (Alpenpanoramaroute CH 2004, Tag 1/4)

    136 km
    14,3 km/h
    2.160 m
    1.840 m

    The plan was to cycle the Swiss Alpine Panorama Route (No. 4 of the national bike routes) with overnight stays in youth hostels. Lindau, which can be easily (and cheaply) reached by train, was chosen as the starting point, from where the first stretch led me along Lake Constance to St. Margrethen, the

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  2. This second stage of the Alpine panorama route led over the Klausen Pass to Lake Lucerne in beautiful weather.

    (The track was not recorded but "rerouted", the locations of the photos were added manually afterwards, which means that they are sometimes inaccurate.)

    To the next stage: komoot.de/tour/315096089

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  3. Meld je aan om dit soort plekken te ontdekken

    Krijg aanbevelingen over de beste singletracks, bergtoppen en vele andere mooie outdoorplekken.

  4. The third day of the tour on the Alpine panorama route led from the Rotschuo youth hostel near Gersau on Lake Lucerne via Thun to Friborg.

    (The track was not recorded but "rerouted", the locations of the photos were added manually afterwards, which means that they are sometimes inaccurate.)

    To the next

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  5. The last stage of the tour on the Alpine panorama route led from the youth hostel in Friborg on sometimes very lonely paths up to Lac de l’Hongrin and down into the Valais.

    (The track was not recorded but "rerouted", the locations of the photos were added manually afterwards, which means that they are

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  • Tours
  • Afstand
    514 km
  • Tijdsduur
    36:13 h
  • Hoogtemeters
    8.680 m

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