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Wandelroutes & paden

The Taunus to the Rheingau wine region – Wispertaunussteig

Wandelroutes & paden

The Taunus to the Rheingau wine region – Wispertaunussteig


The Taunus to the Rheingau wine region – Wispertaunussteig

Wandel Collectie van COUCHFLUCHT



6-7 h

/ dag

45,7 km

1.080 m

1.530 m

Do you fancy a short but sweet two-day adventure? The Wispertaunussteig (Whisper Trail) is a premium hiking trail that’s perfect for a German weekend adventure. Over a total of about 45 kilometres (28 mi), it takes you along the Wisper River from Kemel through the Wispertaunus to the small wine-growing village of Lorch on the Rhine. You hike in Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate, from the Taunus to the Rheingau and from the Wisper Valley to the Upper Middle Rhine Valley. The route follows varied and unspoilt paths and there are some challenging gradients to contend with, so good fitness and sure-footedness will come in handy.

What distinguishes the Wispertaunus region near the Rhine-Main area is its particularly large forest areas and enchanting nature. Expect pure tranquillity, sumptuous solitude and wonderful wildlife throughout. Here, in the southwestern tip of Hesse, you find an enchanted landscape in which the Wisper River is ever-present and rugged rock formations are waiting to be discovered in the middle of the forest.

The Wispertaunussteig, which links the Rheingau and Taunus regions, is characterised above all by exciting nature trails and primaeval forests. Moss-covered oaks and rock formations stimulate the imagination.

There’s a total of 1,070 metres of uphill (3,511 ft) and 1,530 metres (5,020 ft) of downhill on the route, which is quite challenging for a German low mountain range. Of course, if you want to test your fitness a little more, you canwalk the Wispertaunussteig in the opposite direction. However, finishing in Lorch on the Rhine is a wonderful finale and the perfect reward after the exertion. In the cosy winegrowing village, you find numerous Straußwirtschaften (wine taverns), where you can finish the hike in comfort.

The quiet village of Espenschied, which is almost exactly halfway along the route, is a good place to spend the night. If, like me, you’re walking the Wispertaunussteig in the off-season and during the week, make sure you pack enough provisions. There are not many places to stop along the route, so you shouldn't necessarily rely on restaurants. You can reach the start in Kemel-Heidenrod by bus, while from the station in Lorch am Rhein you can easily return home by train.

I hope you enjoy this varied hiking experience in the Wispertaunus!

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45,7 km

1.080 m

1.530 m

Laatste update: ‪18 april 2024

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

    Etappe 1: Von Kemel nach Espenschied – Wispertaunussteig

    21,7 km
    3,5 km/h
    470 m
    600 m
    Zware wandeling. Zeer goede conditie vereist. Vooral goed begaanbare paden.

    Uw tweedaagse, afwisselende wandelavontuur op de Wispertaunussteig begint in het Heidenroder-district Kemel in de westelijke Taunus. Het geruis van de Wisper, die door het pittoreske Wispertal kronkelt, vergezelt je kort nadat je de wat onopvallende bron bent gepasseerd.


    Je dwaalt door het slaperige stadje

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  2. 07:15
    24,0 km
    3,3 km/h
    610 m
    930 m
    Zware wandeling. Zeer goede conditie vereist. Tredzekerheid, stevige schoenen en alpine ervaring vereist.

    Ook de tweede dag op de Wispertaunussteig is behoorlijk uitdagend - zowel qua afwisseling als qua eisen van het wandelpad. Op de etappe van vandaag wandel je voornamelijk over smalle paden door diepe, sprookjesachtige bossen.


    Vanuit Espenschied bereikt u al snel de historische Werkerbrunnen in het Sauerbornbachtal

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen



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  • Tours
  • Afstand
    45,7 km
  • Tijdsduur
    13:29 h
  • Hoogtemeters
    1.080 m1.530 m

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