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Weitwanderungen ab 40 km


Weitwanderungen ab 40 km

Rusty (Uwe + Sabine)

Weitwanderungen ab 40 km

Collectie van Rusty (Uwe + Sabine)

26 Tours

315:46 h

1.608 km

28.980 m

Hier geht es um die sportliche Herausforderung des Weitwanderns. Sei es nun ein Wandermarathon oder ein Gewaltmarsch über 100 km. Zum Teil plane und organisiere ich solche Touren selbst und gehe diese gemeinsam mit Gleichgesinnten oder auch mal alleine.
Andererseits nehme ich auch an komerziellen Wanderungen teil, z.B. von "MegaMarsch".
Wer an dieser Art des Wandern Interesse hat und sich mal "ausprobieren" will, der darf sich gern bei mir melden. Es ist immer ein Kreis Interessierter vorhanden, der sich gern in der Gemeinschaft seine "Blasen holt" 😁

Op de kaart



  1. Megamarsch Freiburg 2022 mit viel 💧💧💧 und viel 🥂🥇🏆 👏👏👏

    50,3 km
    5,3 km/h
    1.230 m
    1.220 m

    De megamars in Freiburg was al lang gepland en geboekt met Christof en Marco. Geboekt was leuk, in ieder geval droog weer. Dit is op de een of andere manier verloren gegaan. 😁😉

    Zo'n 1.500 deelnemers begonnen vandaag voor de regen- en modder-megamars in startgroepen met tussenpozen van 15 minuten. Onze

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  2. Mijn vijfde 24 uursmars. Dit samen met @Rolli + Mambo 🐕 en met @Christof 🏔🚶🏽‍♂️🐕🚲

    Deze keer geheel onvoorbereid en met "handicaps" voor alle 3 starters. 👨‍🦯😁


    Allereerst een opmerking over het verschil in km. Mijn nieuwe mobiele telefoon geeft constant te weinig weer. Op normale tochten ontbreekt

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  3. Meld je aan om dit soort plekken te ontdekken

    Krijg aanbevelingen over de beste singletracks, bergtoppen en vele andere mooie outdoorplekken.

  4. 11:05
    56,6 km
    5,1 km/h
    1.490 m
    1.490 m

    Neem de hoogtepunten van alle dakranden rond Albstadt, kies de beste en maak er een tour van. Het kan meerdere keren de Alb op en neer gaan. Dit wordt de "Albstadt Challenge" genoemd, heeft een lengte van 60 km en ongeveer 1.800 hoogtemeters

    Dit is hoe mijn horloge het correct en waarheidsgetrouw weergaf

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  5. Titel van de tour van de initiatiefnemer en organisator: "We gunnen elkaar niets". 💪💪💪

    Dat geldt ook voor de lange, veeleisende route en het hoogteverschil. Dit kostte wat zweetdruppels, extra pols en morgen waarschijnlijk spierpijn. 😁😉

    Maar we kregen zoveel gratis: een geweldig team dat perfect op

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  6. Gisteren maakte ik het plan om vandaag iets "slims" te doen. Het was de juiste weg op de juiste dag.


    Begon in het donker om 6.40 uur vanaf de voordeur. Het was nog een beetje vochtig van de mist, maar al ongewoon warm - 7 graden.

    Handschoenen en een regenjas bleven thuis. 😊


    Komoot navigeerde maar nam niet

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  7. 16:50
    101 km
    6,0 km/h
    2.250 m
    2.070 m

    A mega-march with many starters is a very special experience, which encourages you and makes it difficult to imagine what you can achieve.

    Rolli and I started the Stuttgart Megamarsch 2021 yesterday at 12:15 and rocked it together. 😊

    In addition to the difficulties that one normally struggles with, there

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  8. 11:08
    58,5 km
    5,3 km/h
    1.670 m
    1.670 m

    What was canceled last year was now possible again.

    The Albstadt Challenge with about 60 km and a few meters of altitude. 😉 Actually, it's either up or down all the time. According to my sports watch (Polar) it was over 2,100 m.

    Cool round, mainly on the "eavesdropper" paths, along the highlights. You

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  9. In the past 5 days in Chiemgau, we have experienced 5 wonderful mountain tours.

    Today the question was, up to the Kampenwand or circumnavigate the Chiemsee? It's 5:00 a.m., both options are possible.


    Sabine and kiwi-friendly, the choice fell on the Chiemsee. I'll do the circumnavigation alone, I thought

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  10. Should not be set yet. Comments and image selection will follow. The speed is bullshit. My GPS always stopped walking and claimed that we ran the distance in 5.45 hours. 😁🤦‍♂️

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  11. 08:08
    40,3 km
    5,0 km/h
    410 m
    840 m

    Today it should be a little more, so I'm going on my own.


    I already went the Schlicher hiking trail in December. There was snow and the lakes were frozen over.


    The Schlicher hiking trail is 34 km long. Since I leave from the front door and first had to go to the source near Tieringen, it's a bit more

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  12. 08:20
    42,0 km
    5,0 km/h
    640 m
    780 m

    Today Sandra and I ran a hiking marathon and it was tough. 😊😉👌


    Continuous drizzle, which alternated with heavy rain. Muddy and very slippery paths, tree barriers that blocked our way. Steep climbs and descents and lots of fun that provided amusement. 😊💪👍

    We had a wonderful day of hiking, laughed

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  13. Today it should be a little more and different.

    I had planned a little more than 60 km to Bad Niedernau with the option of only going a little over 50 km if time wasn't enough. I had to pull this joker. 😒

    I also have to admit that this march challenged me the most.

    Several difficulties played a role: Compliant

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  14. Everything was different on my 4th mega march:


    # Broken arm 4 weeks beforehand and, at my request, the cast was removed the day before.

    # Winter March

    # Alone


    I have adapted the route to these conditions. Therefore, little inclines to reduce the risk of falling, as my arm can only be used a little. So the

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  15. 09:44
    52,0 km
    5,3 km/h
    1.160 m
    1.230 m

    Neckar hiking trail with almost 52 km for the mega march. 7 wanted to be there. It doesn't always work out the way you want it to. There were five of us started and everyone got through! Great performance, especially from the competitors who have never hiked such a distance! 😀👌👍

    Applause to the winners

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  16. Sometimes it can be a little more. Long planned and organized, our "mega march, we're going on", 24 hours and 100 km are the challenging goal. A beautiful hiking tour on the Danube from Günzburg was selected. The entire route was run in advance so as not to experience any surprises, the supply points

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  17. 08:40
    41,6 km
    4,8 km/h
    840 m
    820 m

    A great hike, a challenging yet entertaining day of hiking with Roland (Rolli and Mambo). This started at 8:00 a.m. at Landgut Burg this morning and ran in a large group about the highlights of this region. 😂


    The creator and planner of the route was none other than the Remstal insider "Hannes", known

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  18. 17:58
    83,8 km
    4,7 km/h
    1.070 m
    1.150 m

    Wow, what a tour, what an organization, what a great team !!! 😀😍👌👍 👏👏👏👏


    First of all I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Martin and his "catering team". Planning down to the finest detail, everything has been done and optimized several times. Scheduling and organization absolutely professional

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  19. 09:53
    45,2 km
    4,6 km/h
    420 m
    360 m

    Could complete the round today thanks to Ibuprofen. Just hung up the missing kilometers from yesterday.

    If you now put all 3 parts together, then it's 109 km. In addition, additional paths to the Womo and back to the route. At the same time, I ran the 2.5 day Komoot on my cell phone. there are only 104

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  20. Here the whole tour in one go.


    I hiked the whole way to the rehearsal, but spread over 2.5 days, so in bite-sized portos. 😁


    I recorded and set the individual routes daily with the polar watch. I took the pictures with a separate camera.


    At the same time, the tour ran on the cell phone in one go and was

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  21. Super cool hiking round with great hiking enthusiasts. Thank you for being there! 😍👌👍


    As often in my descriptions, I had technical problems with Komoot again today. Komoot has served up his entire poison menu and turned off his cell phone shortly after starting. At times something was minimally visible

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  22. Meer Tours tonen

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  • Tours
  • Afstand
    1.608 km
  • Tijdsduur
    315:46 h
  • Hoogtemeters
    28.980 m

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