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Collectie van Weze

19 Tours

54:31 h

890 km

12.950 m

Op de kaart



  1. Taunus: Radrundtour Neu-Anspach über Seelenberg, Würges und Haintchen Fr2.9.2022

    62,0 km
    17,0 km/h
    1.140 m
    1.140 m

    Het ging goed op en neer vandaag. Op de een of andere manier vlogen gelukshormonen door de lucht en brachten ze echte drive. Zon, blauwe lucht met prachtige wolkenfoto's boden een fantastisch landschap in het Taunus-middelgebergte met zijn Feldberg-toren, die op de een of andere manier altijd aanwezig

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  2. Op sommige plaatsen een pittige tocht, vaak door schaduwrijk hoog bos, hele mooie paden door prachtig open land, er zijn ook weinig bezochte landweggetjes, veelal door weidse landschappen, maar je kunt ook door dit of dat stadje rijden.

    De 1000 jaar oude eik was dit jaar niet makkelijk te bereiken, hoog

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  3. Meld je aan om dit soort plekken te ontdekken

    Krijg aanbevelingen over de beste singletracks, bergtoppen en vele andere mooie outdoorplekken.

  4. Everything that a cycling tour in the Taunus has to offer was offered to me in the most beautiful late summer sun: robust farm roads, brisk asphalt and sometimes rough gravel paths, nicely decorated with forests, open landscapes with fields and meadows, as well as streams, ponds, floodplains and nice

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  5. Dat was best een pittige tocht, want een rustig rondje. Alles was aanwezig: landweg, bospad, verwaterd bospad, grindpad, veldpad, verkeerde weg. Het ging netjes op en neer. Met de zon grotendeels achter ons was het warm, maar in de schaduw van het bos was het heerlijk fris. Ik moet toegeven dat ik tegen

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  6. Almost from the beginning of the R6 cycle path, we initially walked comfortably along the Usa, always following the indications downwards for 20 kilometers to the tennis facility in Ober-Mörlen, and whistling songs in the Wetterau. Then it went steadily upwards via Fauerbach and Münster after about six

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  7. The first part of this round tour went downhill rather comfortably, as far as the Eisenbach junction, quite loosely along the Emsbach. The wind tugged at me on the open road, gusts of around 24 km according to the komoot app. I felt like chuckling, had just experienced a different caliber.

    From Eisenbach

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  8. Op de hoogte tussen Volpersthausen en Niederquembach was de wind erg akelig, hij kwam van de zijkant, voelde 150 km. Misschien een paar kilometer minder als ik op het weerbericht mag vertrouwen. Het was in ieder geval zo zwaar dat ik mijn gazelle, dus mijn pedelec, met de wind moest positioneren zodat

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  9. If I had to describe the tour at the back, it would be pretty short: Really nice! Or "cool" as a synonym for "very much liked". I'd rather start at the beginning.

    At the sports field in Haintchen, a district of Selters, cycling fun started with a wonderful view. In addition, steadily downhill towards

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  10. From the source of the Solmsbach in Espa, OT Langgöns, it went down to the Lahn direktissima over the designated "Solmstal Fahrradweg" to the mouth at Burgsolms. The source and the mouth are really well hidden and are not accessible. Modesty honors, on the other hand, this brook gives a lot of its name

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  11. Sure, I could have made a pilgrimage from Steinfischbach to the 1000-year-old Linde in Reinborn, the other part of Waldems. Just over the Müllerweg to Reinborn, and whoosh I would have been there, just a few meters.

    But the journey is my goal, it takes all the time in the world.

    I found the starting point

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  12. The tour started from Oes, a small suburb of Butzbach, and immediately entered a trail that immediately sharpened my senses, because it was smooth, no, it was much smoother. It was probably not the rain that had fallen the night before, but rather soft soap that stuck to the roots.

    From Espa, the birthplace

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  13. We got into the saddle at the Eschbacher Kippen car park, past some Taunus villages down to Bonbaden in the Solmstal. Most of the time it was on stuck gravel roads through the Taunus Forest with beech, oak, maple and fir trees. Well, the "Grenzweg", a hiking trail that I followed, stupid not to turn

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  14. It's good that I was on the road with GPS. Otherwise I would probably have been dropped off at the lost and found office somewhere, because I was not given the opportunity to follow signs between Weilmünster and the R6 cycle path.

    I was in eMTB mode for the whole lap, but at the back it was really tight

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  15. If you want to have it tight with muscle power, you will like this tour. Anyone who is on the move with electricity will really like this tour. It's a long way up in parts, down quite short, at least the driven lap against the clock. Taunus forest, meadows and places alternate and somehow make the round

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  16. In bright summer weather, this varied section of the Aartal cycle path in the upper part of the Aar was a demanding pleasure. Through meadows, past Taunusstein and a few streets through Bad Schwalbach, over the long-distance hiking trail Aar-Höhenweg and a piece of Limes cycle path, we went to Vespers

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  17. The varied and wonderful round trip through valleys and mountains started in Niederselters, led through the Emsbach valley to the Lahn near Dietkirchen, and then upstream through the Lahn valley to Villmar. We continued up to the Galgenberg, following the "Alte Heerstraße" hiking trail to cycle to M

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  18. After 30 kilometers I went through the Usatal, because rain took the fun out of me. Not because it was wet, but because it was very cold. So I preferred the shortest way to the warm place to stay than to cycle in the fields of the Wetterau, as originally planned.


    From Neu-Anspach leisurely via Wehrheim

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  19. I was blown away by the wonderful round-trip bike tour via Bad Camberg, Brechen, Wallrabenstein through meadows, villages, agricultural landscapes and forests, which I hadn't expected. Memories of the Jagst and Kocher valleys kept coming back, beautiful and often extensive. There's a lot going on between

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  20. 02:49
    47,5 km
    16,9 km/h
    880 m
    880 m

    Alles gecontroleerd? Banden die uitpuilen? Dempen uit? Oké, scan altijd de route! Daarna op naar de piste!

    Ik had weer echt zin in grind, ruig terrein met gras en modder en nauwelijks rust! En wie zoekt, zal vinden! Vandaag was de ronde precies naar mijn zin en vooral de afdaling onder de Judenkopf voor

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


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  • Tours
  • Afstand
    890 km
  • Tijdsduur
    54:31 h
  • Hoogtemeters
    12.950 m

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