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Deutsche Fehnroute


Deutsche Fehnroute

Lothar R. outdoor

Deutsche Fehnroute

Collectie van Lothar R. outdoor

4 Tours

13:07 h

167 km

420 m

Deutsche Fehnroute, eine Radtour von ca. 170 Kilometer durch eine einmalige Landschaft.
Der Radtourist radelt entlang schnurgerader Wieken, überquert Klappbrücken an langgestreckten Fehndörfern, vorbei an prächtigen Windmühlen, funktionsfähigen Schleusen, uralten Backsteinkirchen und hübschen Gulfhäusern.
Eine Landschaft geprägt durch Deiche und Wiesen, Wallhecken, moorige Naturschutzgebiete und Wasserläufe.

Op de kaart



  1. Deutsche Fehnroute Etappe 1/4: Von Leer nach Wiesmoor

    58,4 km
    13,1 km/h
    170 m
    160 m

    Fen route stage 1

    The starting point is the city of Leer with its beautiful historic old town.

    In the Moormerland you will encounter the impressive fen culture for the first time.

    We continue through the picturesque Großefehn towards Wiesmoor in the Aurich district.

    All in all, an impressive tour on bike paths that are simply fun.

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  2. German fen route stage 2

    The second stage leads from Wiesmoor through the municipality of Uplengen with its numerous moors to the old seafaring town of Barßel in the district of Cloppenburg.

    The Nordgeorgsfehnkanal is a constant companion on this tour over a length of almost 30 kilometers.

    For a long time

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  3. Meld je aan om dit soort plekken te ontdekken

    Krijg aanbevelingen over de beste singletracks, bergtoppen en vele andere mooie outdoorplekken.

  4. Through the moor landscape of the Saterland, it goes through the Overledinger Land to Papenburg, the largest fen colony and home of the Meyer shipyard.


    here marshland, geest and moor are the predominant forms of landscape in East Friesland.

    While in the south the Westermoor, the Klostermoor

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  5. German fen route stage 4 of 4

    This route goes from Papenburg through Westoverledingen back to Leer.

    A significant part of the route leads along the dike on the Ems, which is by the way the shortest river in Germany.

    Past the incomparable mill ensemble in Mitling-Mark, the mill also serves as a registry

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  • Tours
  • Afstand
    167 km
  • Tijdsduur
    13:07 h
  • Hoogtemeters
    420 m

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