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F: GR65 von Genf bis zu den Pyrenäen in 50 Etappen


F: GR65 von Genf bis zu den Pyrenäen in 50 Etappen

Gerhard Mauerberger

F: GR65 von Genf bis zu den Pyrenäen in 50 Etappen

Collectie van Gerhard Mauerberger

50 Tours

363:21 h

1.120 km

18.590 m

GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) von Genf quer durch Frankreich bis zu den Pyrenäen in 50 Etappen. Der gesamte Weg war insgesamt 1120 km lang, 18000 Höhenmeter und 360 Stunden Wanderzeit.
Ein Abenteuer wartet auf mich. Ich habe überhaupt nichts reserviert. Ich lasse alles auf mich zukommen.
Dieser Fernwanderweg ist sehr gut markiert, und zwar mit einem rot-weißen Balken.
Der erste Abschnitt beginnt in Genf und endet in Le-Puy-en-Velay.
Bei Pilgern ist dieser Abschnitt als Via Gebennensis bekannt.
Der zweite Abschnitt heißt Via Podiensis und beginnt in Le-Puy-en-Velay und endet in St-Jean-Pied-de-Port am Fuß der Pyrenäen.
Ich habe den GR 65 in drei großen Abschnitten gemacht, und zwar habe ich 2013 in Le-Puy-en-Velay begonnen und bin bis nach Moissac gewandert. Im Jahr 2014 habe ich die Wanderung von Moissac fortgesetzt bis nach Saint-Jean-Pied-le-Port. Erst 2016 wollte ich den GR 65 komplettieren und bin den Via Podiensis von Genf nach Le-Puy-en-Velay gewandert.
In Dieser Collection sind alle Touren in der geografisch richtigen Reihenfolge durchnummeriert, beginnend in Genf (GR65-01) bin St-Jean-Pied-le-Port (GR65-50).
Tipp: Für alle die Lust auf eine lange Wanderung haben, aber nicht ganz so viel Zeit haben: Der schönste Abschnitt liegt zwischen Le-Puy-en-Velay und Conques.
Auf dem Via Podiensis gibt es viele, privat geführte Herbergen, aber man sollte sich zumindest am Vortag anmelden. Wenn man nicht kommen kann, bitte rechtzeitig absagen! Halbpension ist üblich und sehr zu empfehlen. Man bekommt am Abend ein Essen das meistens aus 3 Gängen besteht und für meinen Geschmack immer gut bis sehr gut war. Man hat aber keine Wahl! Es wird gegessen, was auf den Tisch kommt. Am Morgen gibt es dann immer ein Frühstück, das zwar reichlich aber eher einfach ist. (Baguette, Konfitüre, Käse, Tee oder Kaffee). Der Preis für eine Übernachtung in der Herberge mit Halbpension liegt zwischen 35 und 50 Euro. Vielen Herbergen haben auch Gästezimmer (chambre d'hôte). Dort braucht man keinen Schlafsack, man liegt in einem frisch bezogenem Bett und muss sich das Zimmer nicht mit anderen, vielleicht unbekannten Personen teilen.

Op de kaart



  1. F: GR65-01 Genf -> Neydens

    12,9 km
    4,5 km/h
    230 m
    60 m

    Stage No. 1 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva, across France to the Pyrenees.

    An adventure is waiting for me. I haven't made any reservations at all. I let everything come to me.

    The journey from Munich was pleasant. I just had to change trains in Zurich. I was there at 7:00 a.m. However, it

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  2. 07:59
    12,9 km
    1,6 km/h
    390 m
    180 m

    Stage No. 2 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    You only have to follow the GR 65. This path is very well marked with a red and white bar.

    A beautiful stage with far-reaching views.

    Charly is a very small place. There is only one church and a pilgrim hostel. There

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  3. Meld je aan om dit soort plekken te ontdekken

    Krijg aanbevelingen over de beste singletracks, bergtoppen en vele andere mooie outdoorplekken.

  4. 07:52
    16,8 km
    2,1 km/h
    370 m
    530 m

    Etappe nr. 3 op de GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) van Genève door Frankrijk naar de Pyreneeën.

    De nacht in de gemeentelijke herberg in Charly was erg ongemakkelijk. Ik had het te koud.

    Ik nam afscheid van Gerard, die de andere kant op reed dan Rome, en ging op pad. Jean-Paul zal me vanaf nu vergezellen.

    Al snel

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  5. 04:24
    16,6 km
    3,8 km/h
    330 m
    490 m

    Stage No. 4 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    A rainy day, as is so often the case on this tour from Geneva to le Puy-en-Velay. You can tell immediately from the small number of photos.

    But bad weather is also part of it.

    The joint dinner with the hiking friends

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  6. 07:32
    22,9 km
    3,0 km/h
    160 m
    330 m

    Stage No. 5 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    The day began in the fog. It went past beautiful flower meadows and over high-altitude trails with a good view.

    In the last third of the tour I met Joachim, the master carpenter. After a leisurely break, we went to our

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  7. 08:51
    26,5 km
    3,0 km/h
    780 m
    440 m

    Stage No. 6 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    When the weather is nice, it goes through a hilly landscape, often through vineyards and meadows.

    On the hill of Saint Romain there is a beautiful view of Yenne and the Rhone before you have to descend again on a very

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  8. 05:25
    16,0 km
    2,9 km/h
    360 m
    700 m

    Stage No. 7 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    After a wonderful breakfast we will be brought back to Botozel by our hostess.

    That's why this tour doesn't start until 11:00 AM.

    It was a dull day, but it stayed dry.

    Unfortunately, I missed a short detour to the Belv

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  9. 03:38
    14,2 km
    3,9 km/h
    310 m
    140 m

    Stage No. 8 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    It was a dull, rainy day. I slept badly in the living container at the campsite. But that was all my fault. The window was tilted so that it was just too cold for me.

    After breakfast I went to the pharmacy first. Canesten

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  10. 08:27
    28,2 km
    3,3 km/h
    640 m
    570 m

    Stage No. 9 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    In the first picture you can see me in front of a barn. I made fun of telling my family that I would have stayed in this barn.

    In reality, we were well accommodated with Alain et Florentine.

    The path was hilly and you

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  11. 08:59
    23,5 km
    2,6 km/h
    220 m
    330 m

    Stage No. 10 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    We were very impressed by our hosts at Le Grand-Lemps. Our hiking group has now grown to 9 people and still there was a good dinner and a good breakfast. There are many hostels in this area that do not charge a fixed

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  12. 06:50
    24,0 km
    3,5 km/h
    430 m
    410 m

    Stage No. 11 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    On this section of the trail, I really liked the small town of Revel-Tourdan. It is at the end of a range of hills that I have been walking on for some time.

    There you can still find the ruins of Château de Revel, which

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  13. Stage No. 12 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    The Rhone Valley is in sight and the mountains towering behind it. I was lazy that day though. I almost didn't take any photos.

    We were in our quarters at 1 p.m. This time a single family home. We still had so much

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  14. 06:59
    16,5 km
    2,4 km/h
    310 m
    110 m

    Stage No. 13 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    I am now always out with Edgar and Jean-Paul.

    After a good breakfast we went on and soon we had to cross the Rhone. The Rhone has been with us all the time since Geneva, but here we see it one last time. The Rhone is

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  15. 05:22
    18,4 km
    3,4 km/h
    520 m
    400 m

    Stage No. 14 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    After an uncomfortable night in the sleeping car, we set out for Bourg-Argental. I was only traveling with Jean-Paul, but the same accommodation in Bourg-Argental was reserved for Edgar.

    It was a very rainy day. The

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  16. 05:10
    17,1 km
    3,3 km/h
    670 m
    70 m

    Stage No. 15 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    After a very pleasant stay in Bourg-Argental, we left as a trio again.

    At the end of the village I noted that I hadn't refilled the water bottle. Jean-Paul bailed me out. He has no problem ringing the bell at the next

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  17. 05:44
    17,1 km
    3,0 km/h
    380 m
    600 m

    Stage No. 16 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    We left our luxury chalet and went to the hostel for breakfast and then left the keys there.

    As you can see in the pictures, the gorse was in bloom. But it was such a rainy day again.

    There were always beautiful views

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  18. 04:59
    20,0 km
    4,0 km/h
    430 m
    320 m

    Stage No. 17 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    We're back as a trio, Jean-Paul, Edgar and me.

    I visited the Notre-Dame church again with the 12 valuable and very well-known pictures by Abel Grimmer (1570-1619).

    The way is wonderful. The lowest point was 820 m and

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  19. 07:18
    19,9 km
    2,7 km/h
    340 m
    560 m

    Stage No. 18 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    Our hiking group has grown larger today. But that's completely informal. You already know each other and you just walk a bit together. Most of the time you meet again at the hostels.

    This stage is one of the most beautiful

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  20. Stage No. 19 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    This is the last stage on the Via Gebennensis, the Way of St. James from Geneva to Le-Puy-en-Velay. But by no means the end of the GR 65.

    But for me this is the last stage on the GR 65 for the time being. I did the

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  21. 11:40
    20,2 km
    1,7 km/h
    560 m
    110 m

    Stage No. 20 on the GR 65 (Grande Randonnée) from Geneva across France to the Pyrenees.

    Le-Puy-en-Velay is a good place to start an adventure on the GR 65 long-distance hiking trail or to interrupt it to continue your hike in this beautiful place next year.

    This is my first day on the GR 65 and my first

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  • Tours
  • Afstand
    1.120 km
  • Tijdsduur
    363:21 h
  • Hoogtemeters
    18.590 m

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