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Wandern rund um Krefeld


Wandern rund um Krefeld


Wandern rund um Krefeld

Collectie van Roland

44 Tours

56:19 h

286 km

920 m

Biotope in verlandeten Flussarmen, herrliche Mischwaldgebiete, Burgen und Schlösser, Waldseen, renaturierte Abraumhalden mit Panoramablick, Wildgehege, Uferwege in einer Auenlandschaft, Seenplatten, Stadtwälder mit Freizeitaktivitäten und Einkehrmöglichkeiten, Lost Places und vieles mehr - wer rund um Krefeld wandern gehen möchte, findet bereits in einem Umkreis von 20 km eine große Auswahl an Strecken. Wir haben unsere beliebtesten Wanderwege mit einer Streckenlänge von 3 km bis 15 km in dieser Collection zusammengestellt. Für ausgewählte Strecken wurden zusätzlich die Eindrücke von Touren im Schnee (an Burg Linn, am Waldsee Moers und am Oermter Berg) bzw. bei Hochwasser (am Rhein) aufgeführt.

Op de kaart



  1. Niepkuhlen & Stadtwald Krefeld 2

    7,82 km
    4,9 km/h
    10 m
    20 m

    Our second visit to the Niepkuhlen and the city forest in the north of Krefeld. A relaxed tour in our neighboring city.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  2. 01:23
    7,02 km
    5,1 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    We did not know that we have such a great castle nearby. 😍

    An exciting tour along the moat and in the Greiffenhorstpark on Linner Mühlenbach along.


    For those interested in hiking: the detour to the Römersee is not worthwhile, as the access to the lake is largely closed off.

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  3. Meld je aan om dit soort plekken te ontdekken

    Krijg aanbevelingen over de beste singletracks, bergtoppen en vele andere mooie outdoorplekken.

  4. We used the still beautiful winter weather for an excursion to Linn Castle. This time we were able to observe some aquatic animals in the moat around the castle.

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  5. 01:13
    6,68 km
    5,5 km/h
    30 m
    20 m

    Today we were once again in the north of Krefeld, this time in Kirschkamper bush and then on Egelsberg in a sprawling, heather-like landscape at the airfield Krefeld-Egelsberg over.

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  6. 01:23
    7,12 km
    5,2 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    The Elfrather Lake is ideal for a trip with dogs, for cycling or for a short hiking tour. Today we completely surrounded the lake. In many places, the four-legged friends in the water. Particularly popular with dog owners are the bays on the western shore at mid-height of the lake. There is also an official

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  7. 01:12
    6,61 km
    5,5 km/h
    60 m
    30 m

    We were hiking in the NSG Hülser Berg and Hülser Bruch. When the weather was nice, we were able to observe wild boar, fallow deer and red deer in the game enclosures at Hülser Berg.


    It was fun! Kiska and Basti were a bit irritated that the other four-legged friends did not show any shyness at all.

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  8. 00:38
    3,51 km
    5,5 km/h
    30 m
    10 m

    Today we paid a visit to the game enclosures on the Hülser Berg. There was plenty to sniff for the four-legged friends!

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  9. 01:27
    6,96 km
    4,8 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    Today we were very relaxed on the Latum Lake and in the forest area Herrenbusch. It was fun!


    On an information board in the forest we have learned interesting: "The Herrenbusch is one of the largest contiguous Altwaldbestände in Rhine district Neuss.Many beech and oak trees are more than 200 years old

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  10. Today we were at Willich Anrath in the nature reserve Salbruch on the way, first in mixed weather, later the sky lit up.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  11. 00:45
    4,39 km
    5,9 km/h
    0 m
    10 m

    The Ilvericher Altrheinschlinge is always nice, no matter what the weather is like.

    In cloudy drizzle (the favorite weather of every heron) it started and in the end even the sun came through. It was nice.

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  12. 00:56
    5,01 km
    5,4 km/h
    20 m
    40 m

    Snow and sun - that fits perfectly for a tour around the forest lake Moers and to the light on the Rheinpreussen dump.

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  13. Our first Easter hike took us to the north of Moers at two lakes, the small forest lake and the larger Lohheidesee, and on the heap Rheinpreussen. An ideal route in the beautiful weather with forest, water and distant view.

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  14. Today we were at the castle Bloemersheim, at the Littardkuhlen, a silted Altstromrinne of the Rhine, and in the state forest Rheurdt / Littard with the natural forest cell Littard, in which no more management takes place. A nice tour that was a lot of fun!

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  15. 00:44
    3,89 km
    5,3 km/h
    40 m
    10 m

    We followed a recommendation and visited today the Oermter mountain with the game enclosures. Was very exciting, because the animals are trusting and show no fear in dogs.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  16. 00:40
    3,63 km
    5,5 km/h
    40 m
    10 m

    With the snow drift in North Rhine-Westphalia, we went straight on a small snow tour. Around the Oermter Berg, the four-legged friends had a lot of fun in the snow at -4 ° C. Except for a few sledge drivers, there were only a few people out for a Sunday. Many of them did not dare to venture out onto the snow-covered streets.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  17. 01:09
    5,45 km
    4,7 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    In bright sunshine, today it was in the catchment area of ​​the Niers. We were able to operate the "drawbridge" over the Niers and admire the Cloer, which flows into the Niers.

    The Nierssee (fining pond), to which we originally wanted, is completely fenced. Unfortunately you can not get there.

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  18. Today we were in good weather at the castle Rheydt and in the adjacent NSG Bungtwald on the way.

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  19. In the nice weather a trip to the Niers was announced.

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  20. 01:15
    6,82 km
    5,5 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    Today we were hiking at Mönchengladbach Rheydt at the Niers - in the footsteps of the Wuseltiere (Thank you for your tour as a template 👍).

    It was very nice, the four-legged friends had some great dog encounters and were able to walk free long distances or at least walk with a towline. We shortened the

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  21. Meer Tours tonen

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  • Tours
  • Afstand
    286 km
  • Tijdsduur
    56:19 h
  • Hoogtemeters
    920 m

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