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Bijan Kafi

Von Wüstewaltersdorf nach Bielau

Bijan Kafi

Von Wüstewaltersdorf nach Bielau

Von Wüstewaltersdorf nach Bielau

19,2 km
5,3 km/h
360 m
510 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

4,65 km
19,2 km



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en hebben een wandeling gemaakt.

10 oktober 2019


  • 10 oktober 2019

    Beloved, you finally made it and hopefully you can relax in your fancy hotel and let yourself be pampered. Thanks again for the beautiful and impressive pictures! It was fun to accompany you from afar. Love you both and

    best regards from Neustadt 🙋🏼🙋🏼♂️

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 10 oktober 2019

    We are pleased that you have now reached your goal and can look back on a beautiful hiking experience. The weather was obvious, as you can see from the many atmospheric photos, better than predicted. It is a great thing that we can follow these tours so closely and also gain an impression of the landscape

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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