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Buchoniarundweg (Lange Rhön)


Buchoniarundweg (Lange Rhön)

Buchoniarundweg (Lange Rhön)

56,5 km
6,1 km/h
2.010 m
2.000 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

697 m
1,84 km
2,65 km
4,42 km
5,11 km
6,00 km
7,48 km
8,96 km
9,57 km
11,2 km
12,7 km
14,5 km
15,7 km
16,3 km
17,3 km
18,0 km
21,8 km
22,8 km
23,7 km
25,1 km
28,1 km
31,7 km

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56,5 km



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24 augustus 2019


  • 24 augustus 2019

    54 km / h top speed I can not do with the bike-impressive, but fun aside, if you calculate the detours how long is the tour about? Do the altimeters approximate? We have already done parts of the tour, but of course not in one piece, my husband has come to the taste

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 24 augustus 2019

    I have no idea why Komoot always spins around with me. During the tour, everything is OK, but when I then format the tour, I once have a top speed of 54 km / h or a slope of 173% :)) Today, it might be related to the tower in the Black Moor? The tour is indicated at 45.5 km. That's wrong! I have only

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 24 augustus 2019

    That with the ticks is not to be underestimated. I'm glad that my husband now makes the right "man tours", the height is probably only for me a problem, thanks for the answer, by the way, Komoot spins around with me, my bike ride is incomplete and pictures are gone, I tried it

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 25 augustus 2019

    We went the way a few weeks ago, our record was about 47 km 🙋🏻♂️

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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