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Oliver '63 🇦🇺

Tour UK 2014 day 5: Carlisle - Edinburgh

Oliver '63 🇦🇺

Tour UK 2014 day 5: Carlisle - Edinburgh

Tour UK 2014 day 5: Carlisle - Edinburgh

154 km
21,0 km/h
1.320 m
1.300 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

19,5 km
31,8 km
55,7 km
63,9 km
64,3 km
78,9 km
83,9 km
84,8 km
88,3 km
91,7 km
102 km
102 km
129 km
151 km
151 km
154 km



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heeft een rit gemaakt.

12 juli 2014


  • 10 april 2020

    Scotland a dream .... I lived and worked there for a while ...... once a year I was still up north on the Banff / Mcduff coast to visit friends ... 😎

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 10 april 2020

    The tour was one of my big bike tour highlights. 5 days from London to Edinburgh through the Yorkshire Dales and the Peak District. Almost without exception beautiful landscapes, very little traffic and we only met friendly and lovable people. Food is also much better than its reputation in England ...

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • Right, country and people are a dream. Unfortunately, the Scots don't have it with bikes. They are more like watching football and lifting whiskey .... 🤓👍

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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