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🇬🇱 Ilulissat Icefjord Sunshine-Runde


🇬🇱 Ilulissat Icefjord Sunshine-Runde

🇬🇱 Ilulissat Icefjord Sunshine-Runde

11,2 km
3,1 km/h
220 m
210 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

507 m
916 m
916 m
1,91 km
2,86 km
3,42 km
3,53 km
3,73 km
4,04 km
4,25 km
4,92 km
5,59 km
5,64 km
5,70 km
5,84 km
5,85 km
6,37 km
6,87 km
7,05 km
8,13 km
8,21 km
9,46 km
9,92 km
10,8 km
11,1 km
11,2 km



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en hebben een wandeling gemaakt.

5 september 2021


  • 5 september 2021

    Before we leave the American continent tomorrow, we wanted to soak up the ice fjord from its most beautiful side. Amazing how the pack ice has gone back over the last 5 days.

    The new Icefjord Center with its well-made exhibition on the “history” of the ice and life around it is highly recommended.


    All in all, simply (n) ice 🥰

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • Great final tour again, the pictures of the icebergs are great again. Good return. And then I look forward to a travel report face-to-face ...

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 6 september 2021

    It's a shame that your sensational picture stories of the eternal ice and the great light in the north are coming to an end 😕

    As I can see, you already had the first night frost ❄️ ... or is that "normal" up there in summer as well?

    The Icefjord Center is also architecturally well done! Fits well in the

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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