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Richtung Napoli


Richtung Napoli

Richtung Napoli

56,6 km
11,4 km/h
90 m
80 m
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Tour overzicht

56,6 km



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heeft een gravelrit gemaakt.

30 juli 2021


  • 30 juli 2021

    The picture with the beach, wood and whatever else is there is not the wild beach, it was a lot wilder. That was at the campsite.

    OK, today I had to deal with some culture shocks. Although, I don't even know if it really has anything to do with culture. It is more of a societal organizational question

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 31 juli 2021

    You have already experienced this mistrust here, the mistrust of everything that is different or that can be expected, that is strange. This is how exclusion of strangers arises, if it is not reflected and is paired with curiosity and openness ...

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 2 augustus 2021

    dear jochen, thank you for your findings from the strange in these beautiful words. Reading it makes me happy and see you wondering, smiling too, and with a I-don't-care-sigh, disappearing into the hammock.

    submerged, you continue to feel gently moved by the south wind and be careful -


    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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