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Ingo 🏃🚴🥾 🕊

Strandpromenade Cuxhaven im Wind 💨 und im Regen 🌧 #Run 🏃

Ingo 🏃🚴🥾 🕊

Strandpromenade Cuxhaven im Wind 💨 und im Regen 🌧 #Run 🏃

Strandpromenade Cuxhaven im Wind 💨 und im Regen 🌧 #Run 🏃

8,16 km
9,2 km/h
10 m
10 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

2,32 km
3,02 km
3,21 km
4,10 km
5,12 km
5,66 km
6,63 km
7,07 km
7,38 km
8,08 km
8,16 km



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heeft hardgelopen.

21 juli 2021


  • 21 juli 2021

    Was up early today. So work out right away. And that worked out great. Away the “run of my life” 🏃, at least that's what I thought. On the way back, I was grounded again. 24 km / h headwind 💨 then brake "a little". 😉

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • Yes, that's the way it is on the coast the wind is always there 🌬 sometimes more, sometimes less! 💪 Great pictures, the woman with the swim ring, Stark 😘👌🤩🤗

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 22 juli 2021

    Not true? The wind, these are the mountains of the north! ;-))

    Have fun in Cruxhaven. :-))

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • You are right, Andreas, who needs mountains when there is also wind 🤣 Unfortunately the Komoot does not display 🙈

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • Thank you Hubert! ☺️ The woman is a sculpture, you saw that, didn't you? 🙃😉

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • Clear! 😃

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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