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🇪🇸 Mallorca Runde um den Moleta de Binifaldó ab Kloster Lluc


🇪🇸 Mallorca Runde um den Moleta de Binifaldó ab Kloster Lluc

🇪🇸 Mallorca Runde um den Moleta de Binifaldó ab Kloster Lluc

11,4 km
4,3 km/h
290 m
290 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

21 m
637 m
Refugi Son Amer
2,10 km
2,98 km
3,01 km
3,81 km
6,16 km
Picknick auf 570m
7,79 km
8,47 km
immer dem grünen Punkt nach
9,00 km
9,31 km
9,58 km
9,59 km
10,0 km
10,1 km
10,7 km
10,9 km
Kloster Lluc
11,4 km



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7 augustus 2018


  • 7 augustus 2018

    The idea for this round comes from the Rother hiking guide Mallorca.

    Nice was the slow climb in the shade on the GR221. The small piece of forest road from Binifaldó was compensated by the beautiful rock labyrinth afterwards.

    For info: Parking is also below Son Amer, then you save the € 6 for the parking.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 7 augustus 2018

    Picture 4: Could be a pheromone trap or a substitute for it against the Palmrüssler driving on Mallorca or another tree pest. Since there is a number off, that is certainly appropriate from the official side.


    Actually, the pheromone traps were banned there by the Ministry of the Environment because they

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 8 augustus 2018

    Thanks Manuela! Yeah! That makes sense. An insect trap for "pests".

    The stone gate can be photographed at the right angle like a heart - is a highlight "Heart of stone" on the route.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 9 augustus 2018

    Right, that's how it looks! 😀👍

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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