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Petra 🌞💐🥳🥾🚴

🇩🇪 Wo Teufel 😈, Göttinen und Nymphen 🧚 zu Hause sind Teufelsmühle

Petra 🌞💐🥳🥾🚴

🇩🇪 Wo Teufel 😈, Göttinen und Nymphen 🧚 zu Hause sind Teufelsmühle

🇩🇪 Wo Teufel 😈, Göttinen und Nymphen 🧚 zu Hause sind Teufelsmühle

17,9 km
4,2 km/h
630 m
600 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

118 m
958 m
1,63 km
2,26 km
2,85 km
3,69 km
4,34 km
5,11 km
6,19 km
6,19 km
7,28 km
7,29 km
7,75 km
9,65 km
10,5 km
10,5 km
10,5 km
10,9 km
12,1 km
13,0 km
13,4 km
14,4 km
16,8 km
17,9 km



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heeft een wandeling gemaakt.

31 maart 2021


  • 31 maart 2021

    We planned the great weather today for a tour to the Teufelsmühle via the Great Hole and the Devil's Chambers. We started the tour from Bad Herrenalb train station and went to Rathausplatz through Torborgen on Klosterstraße.

    The ruins of the Cistercian monastery stand through the archway next to the tourist

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 31 maart 2021

    Yes, I also like the gigantic view from the Teufelsmühle 👍😉 we walked from the Dobel to the Teufelsmühle. I have to say it was very nice ☺️. Would like to run there again but then also via the devil's chambers. Great photos 👍👍👍😊

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • Many Thanks. Incidentally, those in pictures 9 and 10 are all toad eggs 😯

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 1 april 2021

    😳😳😳😳So mucheeee 😳😳😳😳😳

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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