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Kerstin L

#ridefar180 - Working on tanlines around bavarians highest beach - Kerstin Leicht - Duo mit Anna

Kerstin L

#ridefar180 - Working on tanlines around bavarians highest beach - Kerstin Leicht - Duo mit Anna

#ridefar180 - Working on tanlines around bavarians highest beach - Kerstin Leicht - Duo mit Anna

183 km
22,8 km/h
1.140 m
1.100 m
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183 km



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en 2 anderen hebben een rit gemaakt.

31 maart 2021


  • 31 maart 2021

    A summer day in March! How lucky that the remains of snow along the road at Walchensee keep the route nice and cool. At first, my plan was to drive the route alone, but Anna joined spontaneously the evening before. We cycle the first half of the route, chatting happily: After the Kesselberg ascent, the

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 1 april 2021

    Nice tour 🤗 I drove similarly last year, only 1 valley further south, via Wallgau to the Sylvenstein reservoir. But only from Benediktbeuren 😇

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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