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Kurztrip zur Grundmühle 20.03.2021


Kurztrip zur Grundmühle 20.03.2021

Kurztrip zur Grundmühle 20.03.2021

29,4 km
20,0 km/h
270 m
280 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

212 m
2,42 km
10,9 km
11,3 km
11,8 km
11,9 km
13,1 km
13,1 km
13,5 km
14,4 km
14,4 km
19,6 km
23,8 km
24,9 km
29,4 km



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heeft gemountainbiket.

20 maart 2021


  • 20 maart 2021

    The forest path to the mill is currently a bit of a challenge, even with the eBike, as the ground is completely softened.

    It's more like sliding than driving. The profile clogs up too quickly.

    But that's exactly why it was fun.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 21 maart 2021

    I think I saw the tire tracks on the way to the mill today! It was definitely a great tour!

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 9 april 2021

    Nice round.

    Just a little tip: If you remove the mudguards, you can ride your profile better and the mudguards don't get so dirty. Do you have to try it out? You can tell me about your experiences, it works very well for me 😉😉😉🤣🤣🤣 ...

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 9 april 2021

    Hmm; actually sounds plausible.

    Will that really affect mine? The distance to the tire is greater than with the "normal" sheet metal.

    I'm currently looking for a way to protect the part behind the engine. There is a small gap there that is literally soaked in dirt. According to the workshop, there should

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 9 april 2021

    Jörg, that was a gag. I just wanted to insert that, it just worked. You mustn't take me so seriously ... 😉🤣.


    Just leave the fenders on on such tours. Without it, you look like you bathed in the mud right away.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 10 april 2021

    Great. You don't want to know how many question marks the gag caused 😁 👍

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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