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Dall'anfiteatro di Santa Lucia al Monte Maggiore e ritorno, passando per Monte Cantagrilli, La Retaia e Casa Bastone


Dall'anfiteatro di Santa Lucia al Monte Maggiore e ritorno, passando per Monte Cantagrilli, La Retaia e Casa Bastone

Dall'anfiteatro di Santa Lucia al Monte Maggiore e ritorno, passando per Monte Cantagrilli, La Retaia e Casa Bastone

19,3 km
3,7 km/h
1.080 m
1.090 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

1,16 km
2,10 km
4,97 km
8,21 km
12,8 km
15,5 km

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19,3 km



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27 februari 2021


  • 4 maart 2021

    Beautiful tour that starts from the amphitheater of Santa Lucia, in Prato. Following the interminable CAI 40 you arrive at Case Valibona, where a small and almost always closed museum of the Resistance recalls the tragic events that took place here in the summer of 44. Following the CAI 20 you reach

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