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Destination Valhalla

Altes Tour (2016) - Tour Destination Valhalla - Tag 5

Destination Valhalla

Altes Tour (2016) - Tour Destination Valhalla - Tag 5

Altes Tour (2016) - Tour Destination Valhalla - Tag 5

130 km
10,0 km/h
1.020 m
1.020 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

44,5 km
45,8 km
50,4 km
53,4 km
55,6 km
55,6 km
56,5 km
65,1 km
65,9 km
71,1 km
71,1 km
78,3 km
78,3 km
103 km
110 km
116 km
130 km



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9 februari 2021


  • 9 februari 2021

    Day 5 of the tour.


    After the relaxing night in Lomma, I drove on with full strength. Sweden was unknown to me, but the weather was great and I really liked the track.


    I found interesting places that I photographed. At some point I had difficulties because a tree fell on the way and I had to carry my bike

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