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Thorben (Entdecken und Wandern)

Kleine Tour auf die Wodanhöhen (Hattingen) 16.12.2020

Thorben (Entdecken und Wandern)

Kleine Tour auf die Wodanhöhen (Hattingen) 16.12.2020

Kleine Tour auf die Wodanhöhen (Hattingen) 16.12.2020

11,1 km
6,6 km/h
300 m
280 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

593 m
So beginnt heute eine kleine Tour
Die ruhige Landschaft verzaubert mich sofort
Blick auf den Bauern am Hansberg
1,47 km
1,47 km
Leider zieht es sich etwas zu
2,78 km
Nun geht's hinab ins Wodantal
Es geht durch die kleine Bauernschaft Eggendahl
Die Osterinseln grüßen!
3,88 km
Blick zurück auf Eggendahl
4,02 km
4,47 km
Angekommen auf der Höhe
Schön windig geht's über die Höhe
4,88 km
5,32 km
Blick in das Felderbachtal
5,88 km
6,24 km
Und es geht nun wieder hinan ins Wodantal
6,90 km
Und schon ist das Wodantal wieder erreicht
Und so verabschiedet sich die Elfringhauser Schweiz ;-)
7,37 km
7,93 km
Uralter Aussichtspunkt
Das letzte mal war ich in meiner Kindheit hier
8,84 km
Hier gibt's bald neue Bäume und keine Aussicht mehr
8,88 km
9,25 km
Nun geht's noch durch den Schulenberger Wald
9,51 km
10,3 km
Tatsächlich eine neue Bank... wahrscheinlich hält sie 3 Jahre
10,6 km
11,0 km
11,0 km
Und mit GPS-Freudensprüngen geht die Tour zu Ende.
11,1 km



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heeft een wandeling gemaakt.

16 december 2020


  • 16 december 2020

    This was a start again. After November was a total failure due to illness and I then lost my stamina, I finally went on a tour again, which was worthy of being recorded.

    Thanks to the current situation, my tours will now be organized from the front door again.

    The detour to Elfringhauser Switzerland was

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • Little anecdote, although I have been walking through the Schulenberg and its edges almost all my life, I was only in the forest at Haus Friede in Bredenscheid as a child. The “direct” route to the Schulenberg always seemed more tempting to me than the dangling through this little wooded area. But the

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 16 december 2020

    Komoot shows more and more. Check out my tour today. I also walked comfortably there.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 16 december 2020

    1:34 to 2:19, and I only took a short break, about 5 minutes.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • Yes, I don't want to give up hope completely. In 2018 it worked more than once. The dates were often appropriate, especially on the Neanderlandsteig. ;-)

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 16 december 2020

    Nice tour and nice pictures.

    Just noticed that I subscribed to you on FB FB

    Tour saved directly.

    Probably because of the moai🗿I love itii Got one on the windowsill. I'll pug myself then

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • @Bettina Thank you very much! I always put the pictures from my little Travelzoom camera on Facebook. Often the images differ a little. 😉

    Moai, yes of course! I knew the whole time that the statues had a special name and when I called it I couldn't think of ... so thank you very much for that!

    All of

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 16 december 2020

    There is really a nice corner there.

    For me or us "occasional hikers" this route is enough. We're still getting closer to the KMss But we're working on it. Thanks for the great tour tips🙂

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 16 december 2020

    Top round. I also had mud like in picture 2 today. Fortunately, I didn't lie down.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 17 december 2020

    Nice tour Thorben and I am happy that you are healthy again and are sharing great tours with us 😊

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • @Captain At the moment it's also the perfect muddy weather. 😄 We do not have the kind of rain that washed out the paths and at the same time we have quite a lot of people in the forest. 😉

    I also had places where it was hardly muddy at all ... but then the usual mountain biker and hoof tracks were missing

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • @Silke and Asti Thank you very much for the nice words, I'm also glad to be able to share with you again. In November the disillusionment was great and it was really difficult for me to go through late autumn without a tour. But nature calls me and I am confident that I will be able to answer this call again and again! 😉

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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