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Cookie's companions👣🐾🐾💔💔 gebruikte komoot op dit avontuur!

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Cookie's companions👣🐾🐾💔💔

Game of Fetch

Game of Fetch

3,34 km
5,1 km/h
20 m
50 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

396 m
505 m
678 m
1,51 km
1,68 km
1,68 km
1,69 km
1,84 km
1,99 km
2,21 km

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3,34 km



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heeft een wandeling gemaakt.

26 september 2020


  • 26 september 2020

    A walk to our favourite spot for Fetch the Stick.


    I love the grassy embankment by World of Wedgwood.


    She doesn't tire easily of chasing back up the bank to bring me the stick.


    My kind of exercise. Stand at the top and throw to the bottom.


    At the bottom of the path is the clear stream under the bridge that

  • 26 september 2020

    Good exercise. You will learn more and faster

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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