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Loire Tour, 5. Etappe von Sully nach Saint Satur


Loire Tour, 5. Etappe von Sully nach Saint Satur

Loire Tour, 5. Etappe von Sully nach Saint Satur

90,2 km
15,8 km/h
380 m
350 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

3,51 km
24,9 km
28,5 km
30,7 km
32,0 km
32,1 km
42,0 km
44,0 km
44,3 km
44,4 km
49,4 km
65,1 km
77,3 km
83,2 km
83,2 km
90,2 km



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heeft een fietstocht gemaakt.

27 juli 2020


  • 27 juli 2020

    That was the most strenuous stage. Not because it was the longest, but because it was really hot. It was constantly above 30 ° C. It didn't help that the wind blew towards us, which was very warm and not very refreshing. 🙁

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 27 juli 2020

    There was nothing to visit either. So only pedaling was the order of the day. Suddenly we were standing in front of the Loire side channel. This crosses the Loire in Briare. The trough bridge leads over the Loire at a height of 9 m. And at the end of the bridge there is absolutely delicious homemade

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 28 juli 2020

    I would also like the sun-drenched sky, but the temperatures are really high. You really suffer with it. The ice was overdue and you more than earned it😉

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 28 juli 2020

    @Mo, the ice cream was the stunner! Black currant, tangerine and lime. Really great. Today it is cooler for it.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 28 juli 2020


    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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