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Richard Spiess

Hahn und Henne

Richard Spiess

Hahn und Henne

Hahn und Henne

13,8 km
4,4 km/h
410 m
400 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

1,64 km
1,67 km
1,82 km
2,90 km
2,93 km
6,10 km
6,75 km
8,17 km
9,08 km
12,0 km

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13,8 km



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heeft een wandeling gemaakt.

5 juli 2020


  • 5 juli 2020

    Don't underestimate the beautiful hiking trail. It shows some notable increases. The view is always very nice. In the group you should definitely take provisions and drinks with you. The rest stops are very busy on Sundays. The stop at the end of the tour at the Gasthaus Adler was very enjoyable because

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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