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🇩🇪 „FONTANE.RAD" 3. Etappe: Neuruppin nach Rheinsberg 🚲


🇩🇪 „FONTANE.RAD" 3. Etappe: Neuruppin nach Rheinsberg 🚲

🇩🇪 „FONTANE.RAD" 3. Etappe: Neuruppin nach Rheinsberg 🚲

31,3 km
12,1 km/h
90 m
80 m
  • Een kopie van deze Tour maken

Tour overzicht

83 m
778 m
1,01 km
1,15 km
1,55 km
1,56 km
3,62 km
4,21 km
7,85 km
10,4 km
11,6 km
12,8 km
16,2 km
22,2 km
28,5 km
30,7 km
30,8 km
30,8 km
30,9 km
31,3 km



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15 juni 2020


  • 15 juni 2020

    Today was an ideal bike ride, the weather and the trails are perfect.

    The cycle path to Krangen followed the road, then there was a wide cycle path to Rheinsberg.

    We also had enough time to visit Neuruppin and Rheinsberg.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 15 juni 2020

    Are you traveling as a group trip from a travel agency or how did you organize it yourself?

    As always, great pictures. 👍

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 15 juni 2020

    That's right ... really great photos. 👍

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 16 juni 2020

    Has the path between Zippelsförde and Rheinsberg been restored?

    It shook me a lot at the beginning of the year.

    But the pictures are beautiful from my home.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 17 juni 2020

    Hoi Ueli

    At the last holiday fair in ZH, the state of Brandenburg distributed very good maps, for hiking and cycling tours, also related tours.

    radeln-in-brandenburg.de (there is also a brochure)

    My tour from it (old cities with attractive centers)

    There are countless tour suggestions there.

    Or the fontanerad.de

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
  • 17 juni 2020

    Hello Berndten

    At the tourist office in Neuruppin they told me that the second bike path is currently being redesigned until Krangen.

    From Krangen the bike path leads alone, but in some places the roots rise, you're right, but I find about 90% of the way in good condition.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen

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