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Lüneburger Heide

Der Totengrund | Door de EU gefinancierd

Der Totengrund | Door de EU gefinancierd

Toerfiets Highlight

Aanbevolen door 945 van de 989 fietsers

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Controleer de lokale regels voor: Lüneburger Heide

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Locatie: Bispingen, Heidekreis, Lüneburger Heide, Nedersaksen, Duitsland

Beste fietsroutes naar Der Totengrund | Door de EU gefinancierd
  • The Dead Ground - Een vallei van onaardse schoonheid
    De dode grondtheorie

    Net als in de Totengrund, net als in de rest van de heide, waren er maar weinig voedingsstoffen in de bodem en was er geen bron en geen beek, noch vee noch akkers konden in het gebied van de Totengrund worden geëxploiteerd. De heideboeren noemden de dode grond vroeger "dode grond". De enige planten waren jeneverbes en heide. Maar mensen konden er niet van (overleven) leven.
    Meer informatie vindt u hier:

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 9 november 2015

  • The Ground of the Dead - A valley of supernatural beauty
    The mystical valley in the middle of the nature reserve, one kilometer southeast of Wilsede. Is it haunting here? No, what sounds so mystical is actually one of the most beautiful heathlands ever. When the heath flowers here in August, you have a wonderful view of the sea of ​​flowers from the valley edges. The purple heat splendor brings the kettle pictorially to overflowing.
    Heide Pastor Bode and the nature reserve
    As early as 1906, Heide Pastor Wilhelm Bode rescued the ground for the dead from planned construction work and thus sealed the formation of the first nature reserve in Germany. In 1921, the heathland was then protected. Today, the Totengrund is one of the most beautiful and most visited heathlands in the entire Lüneburg Heath.
    Why is the reason for the death called the ground of death?
    Here are the ghosts, whereby "ghosts" is already the keyword for the first theory ...
    The funeral train theory
    True to the old customs, the dead were formerly "hauled" through the Valley of the Dead in a funeral procession. The actual streets should not be used for this transport and so a larger detour had to be taken over the ground of the dead. The ghosts of that time are said to be in the grave today.
    The dead ice block theory
    The peculiar cauldron of the Totengrundes with ancient juniper groves belongs to the flat-wave moraine landscape. Through constant defrosting of a huge, sand-overlaid dead ice block, which existed long after the decline of glaciers, this so-called dry valley seems to have arisen. From the melting of the dead ice block then remained the background of the dead.
    The meteorite theory
    The ground of the dead was created by a violent meteorite impact, which extinguished all life in this area to a (one) blow. Only the "bottom of the dead" remained.
    The dead-ground theory
    Since in the bottom of the dead, as in the rest of the heathland, only a few nutrients were contained in the soil and there was no spring and no stream, neither livestock nor agriculture could be operated in the area of ​​the bottom of the earth. The ground of death was formerly called by the heathen farmers "dead ground". The only plants were juniper and heather. However, people could not live on it.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 11 juli 2017

  • Het pad op de Totengrund is eigenlijk niet geschikt voor toerfietsen (zand en steil). Het uitzicht is echter zo indrukwekkend dat ik deze slechte weg accepteerde - het was het waard!

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 25 juli 2020

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Locatie: Bispingen, Heidekreis, Lüneburger Heide, Nedersaksen, Duitsland

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