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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin




Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

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Locatie: Berlijn, Duitsland

Beste hikes naar Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • "On the impressive façade of the main building of the Humboldt University, it becomes apparent that the construction on Unter den Linden Boulevard should actually become another royal palace.
    As the third building of the Forum Fridericianum, the palace of Prince Henry, Frederick II's brother, was built in 1748-66. The original conception of the palace was a new royal palace, but Frederick had already lost his interest in Berlin and kept himself as often as possible in Potsdam, especially in his newly built pleasure palace Sanssouci.
    The design may have come from the now disgraced Knobelsdorff, the construction was led by Johann Boumann and Carl Ludwig Hildebrandt. Seven years after the death of the prince, the building was assigned to the newly founded Friedrich Wilhelm University, which began teaching in 1810 (after Humboldt it was named after the Second World War). The once rich facilities reduced over time to the ballroom, which eventually fell victim to the war.
    The original palace was a three-wing complex grouped around the Ehrenhof to the Linden. Along the lime tree avenue seven-axle forehead structures were located in front of. In 1913-20, Ludwig Hoffmann broadened the originally narrow side wings to the width of these fortifications and extended them far to the north, creating an elongated second courtyard. The complex is accented by the central risalit and the risalits of the frontal buildings, which are covered with statues. The Corinthian order of the middle risalit refers to the opera house. The flat roof is almost hidden by a surrounding parapet. The massive impression is reinforced by the ashlar of the three storeys, the middle of which is emphasized by the high arched windows. Noteworthy are the overhung Torpfeiler with children groups. "Source: berlin.de/sehenswuerdigkeiten/3561617-3558930-humboldt-universitaet.html

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 20 februari 2018

  • 👑 Ooit gepland als koninklijk paleis, wat de universiteit zichtbaar 'on the face' is 👑

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 31 december 2019

  • Humboldt Universiteit, Berlijn
    De Humboldt Universiteit van Berlijn (kortweg HU Berlin) is een staatsonderzoeksuniversiteit in de centrale wijk Mitte in Berlijn. Het werd in 1809 gesticht door Friedrich Wilhelm III. Opgericht als de Universiteit van Berlijn op initiatief van Wilhelm von Humboldt, Johann Gottlieb Fichte en Friedrich Ernst Daniel Schleiermacher en geopend in 1810, is het de oudste van de vier Berlijnse universiteiten. Van 1828 tot de sluiting in 1945 heette het Friedrich Wilhelm Universiteit. Tijdens de Koude Oorlog bevond de universiteit zich in Oost-Berlijn en werd de facto in twee delen verdeeld toen de Vrije Universiteit van Berlijn in West-Berlijn werd geopend. De universiteit kreeg haar huidige naam in 1949 ter ere van Alexander en Wilhelm von Humboldt.
    Tekst/bron: Wikipedia
    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humboldt_University_of_Berlin#:~:text=Het%20was%20established%20by%20Frederick%20William%20III%20on, waardoor%20it%20de%20oudste%20van%20Berlijn%27s%20vier wordt %20universiteiten.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 26 augustus 2022

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Locatie: Berlijn, Duitsland

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