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Locatie: Bückeburg, Schaumburg, Nedersaksen, Duitsland

Beste hikes naar Mausoleum
  • In a pyramid-shaped mausoleum south of Castle Baum, Count Wilhelm, his wife and their little daughter rest in three black marble coffins:
    Below the top of the grave pyramid is a stone slab with two round dark metal plates with the coat of arms of the count (left) and the countess (right). In each case around her in the stone slab her life data and below are horizontally engraved the life data of her daughter: Above the with a gate to the burial chamber of the pyramid is located on a gray oval metal plate the following inscription:
    "Holy Hope! Outpouring of Divine Power!" - the source of the happy thought that connections, which unite the knowledgeable part of our being, without prejudice to all transformations of the changeable, indestructible. "1776The large W indicates that Count Wilhelm himself came up with this inscription. Above the inscription, a hand from the clouds picks up the hand stretched out from below. Around the grave pyramid are the remains of a former garden. The burial of the late Countess Marie zu Schaumburg-Lippe on 7 Sept. 1776 was one of Herder's last official acts before he left Bückeburg to move to Weimar. The little three-year-old Count's daughter Emilie, the only child of the family, had died of tuberculosis in 1774, much to the grief of her parents, and is also buried in the tomb pyramid. The count died a good year after his wife on Sept. 10, 1777 in his "Haus Bergleben" on the Wölpinghauser Berg above the "Steinhuder Meer". Today there stands the Wilhelmsturm, the half-timbered house "Bergleben" was dismantled and today serves as a pharmacy in Bad Nenndorf. Count Wilhelm was buried on 2 October 1777 in the Mausoleum. With that, the little family was wiped out in just about three years.Only in 2014, on the initiative of an architect interested in history with the permission of his Highness Alexander Prince Schaumburg-Lippe with the participation of the Princely Court Chamber, Princely Forestry Administration and personnel assistance of the riot hunter 7 from Bückeburg and the infantry regiment Graf Wilhelm eV, the surrounding forest was cleared the spiral path is restored and a new planting done. The gate to the tomb is soon to grace the entrance to the spiral path.

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Locatie: Bückeburg, Schaumburg, Nedersaksen, Duitsland

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Weerbericht - Bückeburg