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Münster District

Zechensiedlung Dahlhauser Heide, Bochum-Hordel

Zechensiedlung Dahlhauser Heide, Bochum-Hordel

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Locatie: Roergebied, Münster District, Noordrijn-Westfalen, Duitsland

Beste fietsroutes naar Zechensiedlung Dahlhauser Heide, Bochum-Hordel
  • "The settlement Dahlhauser Heide, also called" Kappeskolonie "in the vernacular, was built for the miners of the mines Hanover / Hannibal by the company Krupp in the years 1906 - 1915. The architecture of the houses in the Dahlhauser heath, which is consciously oriented towards preindustrial forms of construction also called home style, gives the settlement a village character.
    The architecture in the Dahlhauser Heide was deliberately oriented towards pre-industrial designs, the so-called "home-style". The village character of the settlement is evoked by the truss-like façade design and low-drawn eaves, reminiscent of old Westphalian farmhouses. The predominant type of house is the two-family house with kitchen and living room on the ground floor and two bedrooms upstairs. The connection to the neighboring house is made by the stable. The settlement had two distinct consumption institutions, a beer hall, two kindergartens and two schools from the beginning of a distinctive independent infrastructure. The idyllic home is underlined by spacious gardens and a successful greening of the winding streets and squares.
    However, the housing standard that was advanced in the settlement at the time did not benefit all workers, but only a privileged minority. This was recruited exclusively from employees of the company Krupp, whose patriarchal welfare policy, however, was associated with a series of measures that were rebuked workers who violated the Krupp order. In addition to an order discipline of the rental regulations and house rules, the tenants were also subject to political supervision. Anyone who, for example, was in possession of Social Democratic newspapers, had to expect dismissal. In general, the combination of tenancy and employment contracts resulted in great insecurity for the residents. The loss of the job also meant the termination of the lease at the same time.
    At the end of the seventies the Dahlhauser Heide was declared a national monument by the state conservator. Since then, while preserving the outward appearance of the settlement, extensive modernization measures have been taken to improve the quality of housing. "Source: route-industriekultur.ruhr/siedlungen/dahlhauser-heide/seite-2.html

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 4 december 2016

  • De kolenmijn Dahlhauser Heide op mijn route is aangelegd in de stijl van een tuinstad.
    Achter de idyllische huisjes liggen grote tuinen die werden (worden) verbouwd met sierplanten en groenten, vandaar de populaire naam: Kappeskolonie.
    De nederzetting Dahlhauser Heide werd begin 1900 gebouwd voor de mijnen van Hannover en Hannibal.
    De nederzetting is gelegen in de wijk Bochum van Hordel.
    Overigens is er themaroute 19 van de industriële cultuur met 13 belangrijke nederzettingen in het Ruhrgebied.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 15 mei 2021

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Locatie: Roergebied, Münster District, Noordrijn-Westfalen, Duitsland


  • Afstand1,72 km
  • Stijging20 m
  • Downhill30 m
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