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Controleer de lokale regels voor: Vulkaneifel

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Locatie: Katzwinkel, Vulkaneifel, Rijnland-Palts, Duitsland

Beste hikes naar Afelskreuz
  • Het Afelskreuz (aflaatkruis) staat op een oude Romeinse militaire weg. Eeuwenlang reizen pelgrims uit de regio Bonn-Keulen langs deze route naar het graf van de apostel Matthias in Trier.

    Dit pad wordt daarom in de volksmond ook wel de Pelgrimsweg genoemd. Er is echter een andere naam: tot de jaren dertig reden boeren en handelaars vee en varkens langs het Afelskreuz naar de markten in Kelberg en Mehren. Hieraan dankt het pad zijn tweede naam: Ferkelstraße.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 7 november 2019

  • The Afelskreuz (Ablasskreuz) stands on an old Roman army road.
    The height of the Afelskreuz is a stately 3.30 meters. The crossbeam, in which the name of the cross is inscribed in large Latin letters, and on the right and left of which the Savior's marks of suffering, on the right the crown of thorns and three nails, on the left the whistle with the vinegar sponge and lance, is 1.80 meters high. Above the crossbeam we read the year 1231, under the bar the year 1931. The chalice with the holy host elaborated as a relief on the upper end of the shaft within a rectangle commemorates the Last Supper. The heart with a flame sign and a cross under the number 1931, also in a rectangle, symbolizes the sacrificial love of Jesus to the people.
    The year 1231 is legendary. But it is a symbol of many centuries of the history of our homeland. The number 1931 indicates the year in which the present cross was built. It takes the place of a previously decayed cross whose name "AFELSKREUZ" lives on today's cross.The cross erected in 1931 is a foundation of Dr. Joseph Esten, who for many years worked as a physician in Kelberg It was repaired by the brothers Johann and Peter Michels from Kelberg during a period of forty-five years, but after a thorough, very successful restoration, it has been firmly anchored by concrete and iron since the Good Friday of this year (1976) again worthy of his place, who was given a special embellishment by a wooden fence and shrub plantings.
    In the area of ​​the Afelskreuz there is a chapel and a way of the cross.
    For centuries the pilgrims from the Bonn-Cologne area pilgrimage on this way to the tomb of the apostle Matthias to Trier.
    In the vernacular this path therefore also called Pilgerstraße. However, there is another name: until the thirties of our century farmers and traders drove cattle and pigs past the Afelskreuz to the markets in Kelberg and Mehren. The path owes its second name to this fact: Ferkelstraße.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 23 oktober 2016

  • Deze plaats van aanbidding bestaat al sinds de 14e eeuw. Een groot kruis, een heel mooie kapel en een kruisweg vanaf daar maken de plaats erg aantrekkelijk. Er is ook een rustruimte beschikbaar.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 11 november 2020

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Locatie: Katzwinkel, Vulkaneifel, Rijnland-Palts, Duitsland

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