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Lakeland Oder-Spree

An der Kieselwitzer Mühle

An der Kieselwitzer Mühle

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Locatie: Schlaubetal, Lakeland Oder-Spree, Brandenburg, Duitsland

Beste fietsroutes naar An der Kieselwitzer Mühle
  • Mooie molen in het Schlaubetal.
    Meer informatie: de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schlaube en de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kieselwitzer_M%C3%BChle

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 27 oktober 2020

  • In de Kieselwitzer Mühle was tot de jaren 70 ook een excursierestaurant gevestigd. Nadat deze was gesloten en verkocht, richtten de volgende eigenaren een forellenkwekerij op in de molenvijvers.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 26 februari 2018

  • The Kieselwitzer Mühle is located in the Brandenburg Nature Park Schlaubetal between Groß Briesen in the west and Kieselwitz in the east on the Schlaube. To the north of the mill are the Bremerdorf mill and the three Treppel lakes (Großer, Kleiner and Stiller), south of it the Wirchensee with the location of the Schlaubemühle. The root word kisaly = acid refers to a place with acid or wet soil in the ancient Sorbian language. The name derivation is carried out by the appendix -ica Kyselica or Kyslovica. The eponymous village at the mill is first found on 17 January 1300 as villa Kyslicz, 1416 and 1426 as Kyslowicz, 1428 and 1438 Kyßilwicz, 1558 then Kiselwiz. On the meadows above and below the mill are Großseggen and Hochstaudenflure frequent, on the regularly cultivated parcels are Kohldisteln. There are willow bushes and smaller pieces of alder-forest, this includes some ferns, sedges, swamp-lilies, marsh calla, water feathers and forest honeysuckle. One meets pond and crested newt, forest and sand lizards, blind crawlers and grass snakes, sometimes one also encountered the Schling snake. Representatives of the diverse insect world are Admiral, Painted Lady, Imperial Coat, Gold Ridge, Stag beetle, Leather beetle, oil beetle and sawhorse. Noteworthy was the first evidence of branch striped Quelljungfer south of the Bremerdorf mill. In the Kieselwitzer ponds, tench, sturgeon, white fish and catfish live alongside trout and carp. The first written mention of the mole to Kyslowicz dates back to 1420, the Mahlmühle paid the Neuzelle monastery at that time quarterly 10 bushels of grain. After the Thirty Years War it was also used as a cutting mill. After it completely burned down in 1659, a mill was again built here with the support of the order's master of the Order's office Friedland. The miller was in 1710 the mill master Michael Güloff, his family remained until 1850, but there is the news in 1711 that the Erbmüller Johann (Hanß) Müller sits on the Kieselwitzer mill and the mill remained at least until 1789 in the family. Therefore, one can assume that the millers divided the trades.
    (Source: Wikipedia)

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 9 augustus 2015

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Locatie: Schlaubetal, Lakeland Oder-Spree, Brandenburg, Duitsland

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