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Urban meets green – three circular walks in Germany’s Essen

Wandelroutes & paden

Urban meets green – three circular walks in Germany’s Essen


Urban meets green – three circular walks in Germany’s Essen

Wandel Collectie van COUCHFLUCHT

3 Tours

24:14 h

88,6 km

1.310 m

Hiking in the Ruhr region? There are only smoking chimneys and everything is dirty and grey. It's always the same prejudices and persistent clichés that I encounter when I tell others about the hiking routes in my home region. But far from it, the Ruhr region is so much greener than most people think. Plus, numerous slag heaps from its mining past even offer a summit experience in an otherwise flat region. The city of Essen is the best example of this. With all its parks, green spaces and forests, it has officially been the third greenest city in Germany since 2017.

In this Collection, I present the longest and most popular circular hiking trails in Essen – they’re not considered premium hiking trails for nothing. Both the classic BaldeneySteig and Kettwiger Panoramasteig – as well as the recently inaugurated ZollvereinSteig – are not routes that you can just squeeze in after work. With a length of between 27 and 35 kilometres (16 - 22 mi), they’re challenging full-day hikes that require a good level of fitness. The Essen Ruhr Heights are much hillier than you might expect. With up to 660 metres (2,165 ft) of elevation gain on the Kettwiger Panoramasteig, there are also some tough ascents included. But don't panic! If the challenge is a bit too big for one day, you can also do all three circular walks in two stages each or shorten them as you wish.

The BaldeneySteig and Kettwiger Panoramasteig lead you through the rural, green south of Essen. On both Tours you can enjoy unique panoramic views and experience plenty of natural idylls outside the hustle and bustle of the city. While the forests, fields and meadows of the slopes above the Ruhr play the main role on the Kettwiger Panoramasteig, everything on the BaldeneySteig revolves around the largest Ruhr reservoir, the gorgeous Baldeneysee. Both trails run mostly along varied and natural paths and tracks.

The ZollvereinSteig has a completely different character and boasts an exciting mix of nature and industrial heritage. An urban hike, it leads right through the north of Essen. Here, parks and forests meet the ‘most beautiful coal mine in the world’ – the UNESCO World Heritage site of Zollverein. You walk across industrial waste ground and slag heaps and climb the mountains of the Ruhr district with their landmarks and art installations. This allows you to discover the structural change of the once-industrial region in a very natural way.

It's all in the mix. If you take on all three hiking challenges, you'll get a perfect impression of what the Ruhr region is all about and how it makes your hiking heart beat faster.

All the walks are wonderfully connected to the public transport network and can be easily reached by bus and train from Essen's main railway station, so you can safely leave your car at home. More information on getting there and back can be found in the respective Tour descriptions. You also don't need to worry about food and drink on your walks. There are plenty of places to stop for refreshments along all the routes. From the Ruhrpott classic ‘Pommes Schranke’ (fries with ketchup and mayo) to the exclusive casino atmosphere at Zeche Zollverein, you'll find it all.

Put all your preconceptions to rest and see for yourself the exciting mix of greenery and industrial culture. Have fun hiking in Essen’s Ruhr area!

Op de kaart



  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

    BaldeneySteig – Rundwanderwege in Essen

    27,0 km
    3,6 km/h
    480 m
    480 m
    Zware wandeling. Zeer goede conditie vereist. Tredzekerheid, stevige schoenen en alpine ervaring vereist.

    Eenmaal rond de Baldeneysee - wat in eerste instantie klinkt als een ontspannen wandeling, is een hele uitdaging en wordt niet voor niets een klim genoemd. Op de bijna 27 kilometer lange rondwandeling wordt uw conditie gevraagd en u zult zeker niet alleen een keer verbaasd zijn hoe heuvelachtig het zuiden

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  2. 09:37
    34,5 km
    3,6 km/h
    660 m
    660 m
    Zware wandeling. Zeer goede conditie vereist. Vooral goed begaanbare paden.

    Op de Kettwiger Panoramasteig kunt u genieten van de landschappelijke idylle van het zuiden van Essen. Met een totale lengte van ongeveer 35 kilometer en sportief bijna 700 hoogtemeters is het zeker een uitdaging voor je uithoudingsvermogen, maar het kan ook gemakkelijk in twee etappes worden verdeeld

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen


  3. Meld je aan om dit soort plekken te ontdekken

    Krijg aanbevelingen over de beste singletracks, bergtoppen en vele andere mooie outdoorplekken.

  4. 07:04
    27,1 km
    3,8 km/h
    180 m
    180 m
    Zware wandeling. Zeer goede conditie vereist. Makkelijk begaanbare paden. Geschikt voor elk niveau.

    In tegenstelling tot de BaldeneySteig en de Kettwiger Panoramasteig heeft de ZollvereinSteig, die pas in 2022 openging, een heel ander karakter. Hij loopt ongeveer 27 kilometer door het noorden van Essen, zwerft door het unieke UNESCO-werelderfgoed Zollverein en laat u het Ruhrgebied ontdekken op de

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen



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  • Tours
  • Afstand
    88,6 km
  • Tijdsduur
    24:14 h
  • Hoogtemeters
    1.310 m

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