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Mallorca 2022


Mallorca 2022


Mallorca 2022

Collectie van Vin42

3 Tours

12:39 h

225 km

2.050 m

With two beautiful titanium bikes from 2gocycling.com/en in Port de Pollença.
2GoCycling is a nice little bike rental shop, very friendly and uncomplicated.
You can feel the passion by the owner, treating you individually. Incomparable with any of the industrial rental franchises(?!) spread across the island!
We tried ourselves in climbing a few mountains on the first day and enjoyed beautiful sights on the way to Cap Formentor a lot. Unfortunately the road on the last mile down to the lighthouse was closed. An absolute highlight on the second day was the restaurant "L'Hontanar" in Sant Llorenç des Cardassar! The food was extremely delicious and our break lasted a little longer than planned ;). With the surprisingly comfortable bikes we continued discovering little villages in the east of the island, far from main roads and traffic, on the second day. The way back made us face some rather wild roads in the middle of nowhere. Not the best tarmac there but with our offroad driving skills we managed to avoid flat tires. With somewhat heavier legs we started into the third day. Facing some hills, whineyards and lots of wind! As we met some paths with finest brand new tarmac it was an easy ride and we had again the smiles on our faces like on the previous days!All in all pretty splendid by the frame material and the landscapes!

Op de kaart



  1. mirador formentor, platja de formentor, ruinas de colomer, portblue club

    38,9 km
    15,9 km/h
    680 m
    720 m
  2. 06:35
    111 km
    16,9 km/h
    940 m
    910 m
  3. Meld je aan om dit soort plekken te ontdekken

    Krijg aanbevelingen over de beste singletracks, bergtoppen en vele andere mooie outdoorplekken.

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  • Tours
  • Afstand
    225 km
  • Tijdsduur
    12:39 h
  • Hoogtemeters
    2.050 m

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