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Arnsberg District
Märkischer Kreis

Brenscheider Ölmühle

Brenscheider Ölmühle

Mountainbike Highlight

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Locatie: Nachrodt-Wiblingwerde, Märkischer Kreis, Arnsberg District, Noordrijn-Westfalen, Duitsland

Beste mountainbikeroutes naar Brenscheider Ölmühle
  • Gebouwd in 1845, was de oliemolen slechts 78 jaar in bedrijf. Rond de eeuwwisseling groeiden de nieuw opgerichte oliefabrieken uit tot serieuze concurrentie, met als gevolg dat de boeren de olie steeds vaker rechtstreeks van de koopman kochten en de molen uiteindelijk moest worden stilgelegd. Tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog werd het echter weer in gebruik genomen: in de jaren vanaf 1916 verbouwden boeren weer meer koolzaad, omdat oorlog en slechte oogsten tot hongersnood hadden geleid. Na de afschaffing van de voedselrantsoenering en de valutahervorming van 1923 werd de oliemolen eindelijk stilgelegd en begon uit elkaar te vallen.Wilhelm Claas uit Hagen was de eerste die de aandacht op deze toestand vestigde, hij werkte als docent aan de Staatsbouwschool van Essen en liet de molen onderzoeken en opmeten. Zijn rapport leidde tot de eerste reparaties, die in de jaren vijftig op particulier initiatief werden uitgevoerd. De maatregelen werden gesteund door de industrie van Hohenlimburg en de wijk Altena, die in 1958 in bezit kwam van de oliemolen. De molen staat sinds 1982 op de monumentenlijst en is in de jaren 80 volledig gerenoveerd met hulp van de gemeente Nachrodt-Wiblingwerde en de Märkisches Kreis.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 22 juli 2017

  • The task of the oil mill was to process oilseed rape to oil, which served both as a food supplement and as a light source. The oilseed rape initially arrived in the so-called 'pug mill', a round wooden basin in which two vertical millstones ran and crushed the rapeseed into porridge. This mash was heated in a pan standing on a cannon oven, filled into linen bags and placed in the oil press, i. between two boards inside a hollowed out tree trunk. On the outside of each board wedges were set, on the two heavy wooden blocks - the so-called 'stampers' - alternately hit down. As a result, a high pressure was generated and squeezed out the oil. It leaked through a small hole in the ground and was collected in a container. Both the pug mill and the rammer were driven by an overshot waterwheel.Built in 1845, the oil mill was in operation for a total of only 78 years. At the turn of the century, the newly established oil factories grew into serious competition, with the result that the peasants increasingly took the oil directly from the merchant and the mill finally had to be shut down. During the First World War, however, it was once again put into operation: In the years since 1916, the farmers had increased rape again, as war and bad harvests had led to famine. After the abolition of food rationing and the currency reform of 1923, the oil mill was finally shut down and began to disintegrate.The Hagener Wilhelm Claas was the first to call attention to this condition. As a lecturer in the Staatsbauschule he worked on food and had the mill inspected and measured. His report prompted the first restoration work to be carried out on private initiative in the 1950s. The measures were supported by the Hohenlimburger industry and the circle Altena, in whose possession the oil mill 1958 arrived. Since 1982, the mill is a listed building and was completely renovated in the course of the 1980s with the help of the community Nachrodt-Wiblingwerde and the Märkischer Kreis.For some years, volunteer bakers have brought the old bakery in the neighboring grain mill to life. They organize from May to October on every 1st Saturday of the month from 6 o'clock baking days. If you want to get one of the popular breads, you should get up early; Pre-orders are not possible. Back demonstrations and visit of the grain mill, Tel .: (02352) 29 04Around the mills five scenic - suitable for teaching lessons - themed hiking trails are offered: * trout path (20 min.) * Eulenweg (60 min.) * Wildschweinweg (90 min.) * Fuchsweg (120 min.) * Genießerweg (day trips with refueling recommendations)External inspection at any time, guided tours can be booked via Ms. Anni Rehnert, Tel. 02352 1438.The oil mill is owned by the Märkischer Kreis.

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 22 juli 2017

  • Het is de moeite waard om de oliemolen en de graanmolen toe te voegen.
    Op de Kornmühle is een goed restaurant, waar u verse forel uit de eigen vijver kunt halen.
    Er is ook brood te koop, maar dat moet u waarschijnlijk van tevoren bestellen. Is bijna altijd uitverkocht!

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 24 augustus 2017

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Locatie: Nachrodt-Wiblingwerde, Märkischer Kreis, Arnsberg District, Noordrijn-Westfalen, Duitsland

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