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Espace Mittelland
Bernese Oberland



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Locatie: Amsoldingen, Thun, Bernese Oberland, Espace Mittelland, Zwitserland

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  • The three-aisled basilica founded by Rudolf II of Burgundy and Berta of Alamannien, which was dedicated to Saint Mauritius in 1528 before the Bernese Reformation, belongs to a group of churches that probably originated before the year 1000 on Lake Thun, whose architectural style shows Lombard influences. and was built in place of a predecessor building created around 700. The construction fell into an era in which the western half of present-day Switzerland was not yet part of the Holy Roman Empire. The border between Swabia, which belonged to the kingdom, and Hochburgund was defined by the line Huttwil-Aarwangen-Basel. It was not until 1033 that Burgundy, and thus also the western part of present-day Switzerland, inherited the Franconian Emperor Konrad II from the House of Salier.
    This belonging to Burgundy probably explains the significant differences to church buildings in the territory of the Holy Roman Empire at the same time. Because unlike most churches in the kingdom is missing at Amsoldingen the transept and at the beginning also a tower in the form of a west work.
    Like the Schlosskirche Spiez, it is a transeptless pillar basilica with originally three apses and a high choir. Originally it was built without a tower. The present tower was built later instead of the southern apse, which was canceled for it. The foundations of the former apse, however, are still partially visible today.
    It was attached to a secular monastery, which was destroyed in the conquest of the Bernese Oberland by the Zähringer in 1191 and restored around 1200. Around 1400, the church tower was built in Gothic style. In 1484 the canons were abolished. Shortly before the introduction of the Reformation in 1528 worked as a pastor in Amsoldingen Johannes Haller, a collaborator Huldrych Zwingli, but had to leave in 1525 because of his marriage Amsoldingen. His most famous successor was Samuel Lutz, who lived from 1726 to 1738 in Amsoldingen and made the place a center of Pietism.
    In 1812 Johann Jakob Weber built today's organ. In the crypt dating back to around 1200, Roman spolia from Aventicum and Allmendingen are walled in. The colored choir windows by Max Brunner (b. 1910) symbolize God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    From 1978 to 1980, the church was extensively renovated.
    Source: Wikipedia

    vertaald doorOrigineel tonen
    • 21 juni 2017

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Locatie: Amsoldingen, Thun, Bernese Oberland, Espace Mittelland, Zwitserland

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